Win, Lose, or Draal

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A height poster was plastered over the wall as Toby's figure slowly walked to the corner, holding up the never-pleasing sign of the A.P.D. name and a number, his first mugshot being taken.

"What kind of nerd breaks into a museum?" The Policeman mumbled.

The camera whirred, preparing to take a shot as Toby looked up, his lips slightly puckered as his eyebrows raised that he now had a criminal record.

"Move to the middle. Pose," The Policeman instructed.

After Toby stepped to the side and heard the word "pose," he smiled shyly. Each time the camera clicked, Toby had different poses. One was him pointing to the sign he had been forced to hold. After he had tried his best to make a 'handsome' face, holding the side further out on his side. With another pose of him holding it above his head, the Policeman becomes irritated with Toby.

"Okay, come on," He said to Toby. The Policeman took another picture, and Toby moved closer to the camera, "No, stop! Next!"

Jim appeared from the other side, his posture slacking as he sighed, not even smiling. As the camera's whistle got higher, so did Toby's eyes which appeared at the bottom of the screen. With a click, Toby had taken a picture with his arm around Jim, the two holding up their signs, yet, Jim was giving Toby a displeasing look while he smiled into the camera. The cop groaned as the picture clicked.

"Get these two out of here!"

A Policeman and Policewoman moved Toby and Jim away from the camera. Raelle walked and stood before the camera, holding a sign with her name on it. She looked at the camera with an annoyed expression.

"Let's just get this over with," Raelle mumbled with annoyance as she rolled her eyes.

The Policeman was about to take Raelle's picture but stopped when he thought he saw her eyes change to a bright red for a second. He looked at her with confusion and wide eyes before dismissing it. The Policeman took her pictures, and he was glad she gave him no trouble.

Barbara arrived at the police station and Mr. Strickler soon after. Barbara told the teens to wait in the car, and they obliged.

The colors of red and blue from the police cars brightened the station as Strickler and Barbara walked out. Jim, Raelle, and Toby had watched from inside Barbara's car.

"I can't thank you enough for coming to the station. They are so lucky she didn't press any charges," Barbara said.

"Ms. Nomura is a personal friend. She agrees with me that this was nothing more than reckless youth run amok," Strickler said.

In the car, Toby perked up from the back seat.

"I mean, who else do you think is hiding an evil troll face?" Toby asked Jim and Raelle, "Coach Lawrence? Steve?" He lets out a small gasp, "What if Strickler's one of them?"

"Strickler's been teaching history at Arcadia Oaks High since the dawn of history. If he's one, I'm one," Jim said, dismissing Toby's theory.

"Yeah," Raelle agreed with her brother before adding, "If Mr. Strickler is one, then he would have known who me and Jim are and would have tried to kill us already."

Jim caught Toby watching Strickler suspiciously with an untrustful look. Jim scoffed as he rolled his eyes before grabbing Toby's phone. Raelle pulled Toby back to his seat as Jim found the picture that Toby had taken of the bridge, yet the symbols were barely visible as it was blurry.

"I know where I've seen this bridge. It's the same one that Blinky was talking about," Jim realized.

"What? The Killa-thingy Bridge? That's, like, ancient history, right?" Toby asked.

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