Waka Chaka!

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In the Hero's forge, an animatronic stone troll quickly turned, releasing fire from the sides towards the Trollhunter. With ease, Jim rolled from the fire but in the path of sharp objects. He twisted his sword, blocking every piece of the flying sharp objects, and ran around Blinky, who tutored him from the side. Jim still manages to stop the weapons from hitting him.

"Always be afraid. Fear heightens your senses. Fear keeps you alive," Blinky stated.

Feeling accomplished, Jim stood proudly with his sword until a silver ball knocked him off his feet.

"Arrogance gets you killed," Blinky added.

"Yeah, I'll have to remember that," Jim groaned.

"Draal, however, does not fear you," Blinky lifted Jim from the ground, placing him back on his feet and shoving his master gently forward, "That will be his weakness, but not you. You'll be wetting your armor. That will be your strength."

"Yeah," Raelle agreed, "One of the basic rules of fighting is never to underestimate your opponent. And Draal has been underestimating you since day one. You can use that to your advantage."

Jim raises his sword, moving forward with each swing, once again blocking each blow. Raelle was also training alongside her brother with her scourge after convincing Blinky to allow her to. She was training by learning how to use her weapon in a fight. Raelle slashed the troll-shaped training dummies coming toward her.

Toby and Aaarrrgghh watched from the sidelines. Toby wore an exercise suit, squatting with a bit of pressure.

"Oh, yeah. Looking good, Jimbo. You too, Rae-Rae. Feel the burn! - If they're getting fit, I'm getting fit," Toby holds up the tracker for Aaarrrgghh to see, the little machine beeping on his wrist, "Don't want to be too big."

Aaarrrgghh moans sadly, thinking he wasn't in good shape, but Toby quickly corrected himself after hearing his troll friend's distress.

"Not that there's anything wrong with being big. But if I'm gonna have Jim and Rae's back, I gotta be nimble."

Toby gives the air a few punches before he begins to run in place, Aaarrrgghh copying him while Jim and Rae train in front of them. The tracker beeped, stopping Aaarrrgghh and Toby from their running.

"Yeah, baby! Hit a benchmark. I've run a total of a hundred feet. Five calories burned. Nice!" Toby celebrated.

Jim slashed through each stone figure, slicing them into many pieces. Another mechanical figure popped up with a surprise, sharp metal spears shot from the holes in the machine as Jim stopped them on their warpath.

"You know, I think being afraid is the one rule that I- Oh!" Jim said before Raell'es scourge wrapped around his waist and pulled him back just as more metal spears flew over his head. The spears stab another training machine, fire lighting it instantly.

"You're welcome," Raelle said.

Jim stands as he removes the scourge with a chuckle and points at the machine with his sword, "I excel at. Thanks, Rae."

"No, Master Jim. You must excel at all three. If trolls are ever going to embrace you as Trollhunter, you must ignore your humanly instincts," Blinky explained, "And as for you, Mistress Raelle. While you seem to excel at all three, you must embrace your instincts to transform."

Jim listened closely to his mentor, but his attention was suddenly focused on another machine that had stood and prepared its weapons. Before it could take down its target, Jim threw his sword, the metal slicing easily through the rock.

"Do that, and I have no doubt you will defeat Draal," Blinky hugged Jim and Rae each tightly with one arm.

Smoke from the defeated machines weaved into the air as a laugh echoed in the vast room. Two trolls entered, joining the three humans, Aaarrrgghh, and Blinky. They look to see it was Draal and another troll. Draal eyed Jim as he passed, laughing at the young boy.

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