04| That's a fact I know.

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Ugbads outfit in the picture above.

Ugbad Mahamed Nuurs Pov:


Nooooooooo, it feels so good in my bed. The heat under the covers makes it feel like my body can't lift itself up. I scold myself mentally saying: " Ugbad, you have to WAKE UP". Allahu Akabar ( God is great) how Shaytan is so good at playing tricks with the human mind. After some more time trying to get out of bed to pray fajr, I succeed Allahmdulliah. I begin my journey toward the toilet to make wudu.

The cold water hits my face and it feels like I'm at the North Pole. I always use cold water for wudu, I used to hate the process of washing before prayer. But now it's really what I care about the most, especially in the morning when the cold water hits my face and I wake up straight up. It is one of the best feelings.

Salatul Fajr is the most difficult prayer to complete, but I believe it is the best prayer. When all is dark and the world lies dormant, and not so much as a beep can be found in the house or where you are. When it is only you in front of Allah, your creator, your friend, and your everything, it really is the most beautiful way to start your day. 

I take out the prayer blanket, unfold it, and lay it on the ground, I also start to pray. As soon as I finish I make sure to do dhikr, after this, I stand up and I feel that my muscles are sore.

I walked around so much yesterday that all my muscles are so sore like I've been working out haha. Can't even imagine myself inside a gym, to be honest. I suddenly start walking towards my mother's bedroom, I had completely forgotten to wake her for Fajr.

I'm so forgetful, if my head hadn't been attached to my body I would have lost it, says ayeeeyo (grandmother in Somali) to me all the time. I open the door and enter the room. The light is off, the bed is made up and there is no sign that anyone has slept here last night. I almost start to panic, but then I remember! Omg, she had the night shift yesterday at work, I remember her telling me that yesterday. 

What did I say, I'm forgetful....

I pick up my phone and see that the time is now 4:52 am. I start walking out of my mother's bedroom and march toward the balcony in the living room. I open it and am greeted with some of the best things about living on this planet. Namely the sunrise, the sky is red-orange, the birds are now surely starting to chirp and they awake. I look around the neighborhood and I don't hear a single sound. 

But what did I expect, who is awake now voluntarily anyway?

I remember that I have to make breakfast, do the dishes, and get Maryam's clothes ready for the day. That's why I'm starting to make pancakes for breakfast today, it's Maryam's favorite and I want her to have a good start to the week. I start making breakfast, while I start; my mind and wanders to what I have to do today after school. I usually get home around 4.15 pm, Mum has probably cooked dinner so I have to help Maryam with her homework. After this, Asr must be prayed, I have to work on my biology exam which I have soon, and also go to the mosque and pray Maghrib. I must also remember-

My thoughts are interrupted by the notification on my phone. I see Ayan has shared a TikTok with me, what? Why is she awake now?


Uggy, look it you BHAHAHAHAHAHAH


Girlie, that is not me. I don't even relate to the topic pff :(

The video she sent me was a girl that was saying "It's not what men bring to the table, but the real question is can they even buy a table? Ladies go get a rich husband!" Ayan has this weird obsession with making me always seem like, I am anti-men. This girl hahahaahah.

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