Wandering between universes

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The next night Bucky was yelling again but this time you woke up from it. Walking to the bathroom door again you listened first and noticed Steve's voice.
"Bucky, it's me! It's me!", he said.
"You're my mission!", Bucky yelled.
His mission? The Captain America movie! 
"We already discussed that. Wake up, we're in the tower", Steve tried and you sighed.
It got silent and your heart was pounding, something was off.
Steve began to say something but got silent right away as if someone had told him to stay quiet.
The door opened slowly, Bucky grabbed your throat and pulled you up. Your feet weren't even touching the ground anymore, your blood got trapped in your head and it was difficult to breathe.
"Bucky, stop!", Steve commanded loudly but Bucky didn't listen. You knew what to say if you would have been able to talk but all you got out were grunting noises.
"Bucky! Stop!"
You closed your eyes and tears were rushing down your cheeks. Was this the way you'd die?

But suddenly the grip around your throat was gone and you waited a few seconds before opening your eyes again.
A TV was just two meters away and Felix was lying on the couch next to you.
Slowly Felix opened his eyes and looked at you.
"There you are! I was worried! I just wanted to get you a coke so why did you leave? And how? I didn't see you leaving", he asked while sitting up.
"I...", you looked around and touched a few things to be sure you were back, "I was with the Avengers again."
"So you fell asleep?", he asked, "Where?"
"No. I was-... I-..." You sighed.
"Now tell me where you were. Not in your room, I checked earlier."
"I was here, my mom sent me a message and then I was with them", you explained, trying to figure out the rule of this shift between universes. 
"Your mom? Why?"
"Ugh... she wanted to-", you stopped and grabbed your phone, seeing a few missed calls and new messages.
"What?", Felix asked and eyed you.
"She just wants beef, that's it. You know how she is", you said and put the phone away. A few of the calls and messages were from Felix but the others were from your parents. 
"Yeah, I know...", he said sad and worried, "Wanna head to bed? It's late."
"Oof, no way I'm gonna be able to sleep now", you said. You had just slept and the feeling of Bucky's fingers around your throat making you unable to breathe made you panic.
"Hey, what's wrong?", he asked, noticing your rapid breathing.
"I just... I'll be okay, don't worry. I'm gonna go to my room though, I need some time."
"It's okay", he said and looked worried, "if something is wrong, let me know, alright?"
You nodded with a weak smile, stood up and left to your room. 

It was nice to be back again, you missed your home. The way it smelled, the way your room was decorated... it was your safe place. The bunnies were jumping around and the white one did some zoomies which made you smile. You loved seeing them so happy and full of life. The tricolored one jumped on your bed and you knew he was begging for pets this way. As soon as you started petting him he lay down and stretched his legs.
"As great as the Avengers are... you two are better", you whispered smiling, "I wish I could have a mix of both... But maybe it's good the way things are... I'm finally safe, don't have to run away all the time, don't have to fight 24/7... Maybe my life isn't all too bad. We don't have Hydra, we don't have to fight aliens and be scared we'd get attacked any time. Maybe..." You stopped because your bunny nudged your hand with his head. "Okay, okay, I'll stop thinking about it, you're right", you whispered chuckling.

You hadn't noticed when you had fallen asleep but eventually, you woke up from a nightmare and were confused. Panic rose quite quickly as soon as you sat up and realized that your bunnies weren't with you. "No, no!", you said loudly and someone knocked. You looked at the door and just now noticed you weren't even home. 
"Are you okay?", someone asked and you lay back again, sighing. Tears were rolling down the sides of your face and you stared at the ceiling.
"Y/n?", the person asked again. 
"How long?", you only asked.
"5 days."
Your crying got heavier which the person could probably hear.
"Can I come in?", he asked.
"I don't care...", you said through sobs and the door opened. It was your bathroom door. 
"What's wrong?", he asked and sat down on the floor next to the bed.
"Everything!", you yelled, "I just-... I don't want to switch universes uncontrollably! It sucks! I..."
you didn't continue and just kept crying.
"It's okay, we'll help you and find a way", Bucky said comforting but it didn't help. They knew less than you, how would they be able to help? And no one knew where Strange was.
"No. I'm just so sick of this... I want my bunnies back...", you said angrily because they were the ones who helped you when the night was rough. And oh boy was it a rough night.
"Your bunnies?", he asked but you didn't answer. You felt helpless and your nightmare was still haunting you.
"What are you thinking of?", he asked but you kept ignoring him so he just lay down and stared at the ceiling as well.
A while later you calmed down and fell asleep.

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