And you'll wonder if

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"Y/n, hello", someone said, waving his hand in front of your face and snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Huh?", you asked, looking into worried faces.
"Are you okay?", Natasha asked and you tried to comfort her with a smile though it just made it worse. "Tell us the truth."
"I'm fine. I'm just trying to figure something out, that's it."
"Do it after the meeting", Tony said a bit frustrated, "we need a plan."
Though it didn't take long to fall back into your thoughts. Why did it take so long to come back?

Sitting in the kitchen, Bucky sat down next to you. "Are you alright?", he asked low yet warm.
"Yeah... yeah..."
"That's not convincing at all."
"It's just..." You played with the little hole in the table like you could repair it right now without any tools.
"It's just...?", he repeated.
"Just forget about it. It's probably nothing."
"No, tell me. I'll forget about it right after you said it, okay?"
You chuckled and so did he.
"I love your laugh", he said and looked at you like someone who would die if he'd lost you.
"Don't...", you said and looked away.
"Don't look at me like that... I... I don't know. Something is off. I feel like something will happen and I don't want you to lose your mind because of it."
"What do you mean? What do you know?" Bucky was worried, maybe even terrified.
"The other universe... I died. Well... not really. I would have died but I saved her and got her to the future."
"The Hydra base you told me about", he concluded and you nodded, "Do you think it will happen again?"
"I'm not quite sure. Maybe I'm just scared that it will but... I don't know. There is something wrong. I just don't know what it is."
"Maybe it's because we could lose so much if Thanos would win. I think you are just scared... and you're not alone with it."
"I hope you're right... So... any plans?"
"You didn't listen in the meeting, did you?"
"Nope", you said and you both chuckled.

There were no plans, nothing. And nothing would make sense. Whatever you would try, would fail. The only option you had in mind was impossible though still the only option left - getting the stones to your universe. A universe without Thanos.
Just one day... or better said night, you dreamt about your grandma. About Felix. About your life. More memories and more things to hold onto. Until it all turned into a nightmare. It burnt down, no survivors.
Everything on Earth was dead.
Sweating you woke up, finding yourself in a room you had dreamt of. A room you had remembered.
"Felix?", you asked loudly, "Felix?!"
A young man stormed in with a worried face. "What's wrong? When did you come back?", he asked worriedly.
"Felix...?", you asked again.
"Yeah, it's me", he said and grabbed your hand to hold it.
Tears rushed down your face and you sat up.
"I... I had a nightmare...", you said sobbing and he hugged you.

The both of you were sitting in the kitchen and Felix had made you tea to calm down.
"Where were you all those days...? I was so worried...", he said.
"I'm sorry... There was a problem I needed to solve and I can't tell you about it..."
"Okay... but next time, let me know, alright? Don't just leave...", he said with a frown.
"I'll try."
"Thank you... Is your problem solved now?", he asked.
"Kinda. Not really. There are a few things I have to do but the biggest issue is solved."
"That sounds good", he said and tried to smile.
"Yeah, it is. However... I've gotta go soon again to solve it completely."
"I knew you'd say that... When will you leave?"
All you wanted to say was "right now" but something was creeping up on you. A feeling that you were carrying around for a while now and a feeling that seemed to get stronger. On the other hand "right now" was already way too much time in the other universe.
"I'll stay for the tea", you said and earned a confused look.
"It's 3 in the morning."
"So what? If I start right now, it'll be solved faster. And I am not able to sleep anyways."
"Alright...", Felix said sighing, "I wish you much luck in solving your problem."
"Thank you. Thanks for everything."
"This... isn't a goodbye is it?"
It was. "No, don't worry."
"Promise?", he asked hesitantly.
"Tea's empty, gotta go", you said standing up and ran into your room, traveling back to the other universe before Felix could catch up.

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