is true?

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A few days passed and you didn't get a dream like that again which made you a little sad because your fan heart was just so happy about seeing them. You wished you would have seen the others as well but there must have been a reason your brain didn't want to show them to you. "Maybe I just needed them to cope with everyday life?", you asked out loud.
"What do you mean? Are you thinking about your dream again?", Felix asked sitting next to you on the couch.
"Yeah. I mean... Maybe because I hurt myself I saw Tony and Bruce because I thought Bruce would help me medically and Tony would assist or something and Steve because he is a caring person? Like... How do I explain... Like, you know, life is rough and my childhood was shit so, yeah. God, I'm bad at explaining, sorry", you tried to follow your thoughts.
"No, it's okay. I mean you are the one with the psych degree, so don't ask me", he replied, "But my not-so-smart brain thinks about whether or not it is so healthy to think about that dream so much."
"Well... It's not. But it just... you should have seen it yourself. It was so real. Especially the gunshot wound."
"Which was the stabbing wound you got yourself", Felix continued, "so the pain, yes, was real. Just not the way it happened. Y/n, please stop thinking about that, you'll just get crazy from it."
"I already am, so no need to be worried about the last part", you said chuckling and Felix bumped his elbow against your arm. "I'm gonna get some coke, you want some as well?", you asked and wanted to stand up but Felix held you down and stood up. 
"I'll go. You should rest as the doc said."
"But that was days ago!"
"I don't care", Felix said and left.
You closed your eyes and sighed. Grabbing your phone you noticed a message. It was your mom.

"Honey, remember to congratulate your grandma."

"We don't have contact, mom, forgot?", you replied.

You closed your eyes because you knew what the upcoming texts would be like and you'd choose whatever it would take to not have this stupid conversation with her all over again. But at the same time, you knew it was just how things were: stupid. 

Opening your eyes you found yourself in the med room again where Bruce had told you to stay. 
The door opened and Bruce walked in with a tablet in his hand on which his eyes were fixated on. He walked over to one of the monitors and typed something in. You cleared your throat and Bruce looked at you with wide eyes. 
"What the hell are you doing here?", he asked surprised. 
"Resting, just what you've ordered."
"Funny. I think you don't have to do that anymore", he replied and furrowed his brows.
"What do you mean? It still hurts", you said and Bruce tilted his head.
"It shouldn't by now. Do you want me to have a look at it?", he asked confused.
When he removed the bandage he looked at you even more confused.
"Why does it look like this? Did it open at some point?", he asked worriedly.
"No, I took good care of it. A friend even helped me to not move too much", you explained.
"But it should be healed by now", Bruce said and crossed his arms. 
"I'm not a super soldier", you said chuckling but Bruce didn't look like someone you should joke to right now so you stopped and got serious again.
"It's been a few days, not years", you said but Bruce just looked angrier.
"You call over 2 months a few days?", he asked irritated.
"No?", you asked confused.
"Then don't say it."
"Well, I said the truth. It's just been a few days."
Without another word, Bruce put on a new bandage and told you to get up.
"You're going to talk to Steve about this, I don't want to make any decisions that involve you. You've been lying too much to trust you", he said, walked out of the room and you followed him.

Arriving in the common room Steve's eyes wandered between Bruce and you.
"So mysterious girl is suddenly back?", Tony asked from behind with a bag of chips in his hands, "And again I'd like to know how you got in here."
"Y/n was it?", Steve asked and you nodded.
"Why are you back? And why did you leave?", he asked, stood up, and crossed his arms.
"I never meant to leave. God, if I could, I would stay forever here", you said and confused everyone in the room.
"Yeah, but why did you leave then?", Tony asked a bit annoyed.
"I was suddenly back in my room. Just like I was suddenly in New York City", you explained.
"So you can teleport?", Steve asked.
"I wouldn't call it that. I'm just dreaming."
"Dreaming?", Steve asked confused.
"Wouldn't you? I mean closing your eyes and then being somewhere that doesn't exist and... oh. Never mind, just forget about it, you aren't allowed to say you're dreaming when you are", you said, not realizing you said the last part out loud as well.
"I'm not sure where your monologue is leading us", Bruce said.
"Nothing. Just forget about it."
Someone walked through the door behind you so you turned around and your eyes widened. Looking at the others who just got more confused by your reaction, you stumbled over your words: "You- you are- Bucky, hey, I'm y/n."
"I would remember you if I'd know you so don't call me Bucky. Only friends call me Bucky", he said with a little hiss.
"I'm sorry, Sargent Barnes", you said and remembered that just because you knew their stories, they didn't know you. 
"Do you have a last name?", he asked.
"It's y/l/n", you answered a little hesitantly.
"And what are you doing here, y/n y/l/n?", Bucky asked firmly and you took a deep breath.
"That's what I want to figure out and I need your help with it", you explained.
"That doesn't make sense, so tell us, what do you want from us?",  he repeated himself.
Taking another deep breath you tried to explain: "Now and then I find myself here and I don't know why. I am just suddenly here. I can't control it."
"So you can teleport?", he asked.
"That's what I already asked!", Tony exclaimed and you rolled your eyes. 
"No. Did anyone find Dr. Strange?"
"I think the most strange about him is his name", Tony joked and you huffed smiling.
"No, but did you find him?", you asked again. 
"No", Steve replied.
"You have to find him, would you do that? Please?", you asked and your gaze wandered from person to person.
"And what should we expect when we find him?", Steve asked.
"Well... I'm not sure how far he is already... If he's still in training or already fighting... If he is trying to find Odin or-"
"Odin? As in Thor's father?", Steve interrupted.
"Yeah, exactly."
"You know Thor?", Bruce asked.
"Well... no. But depending on what Thor is doing he might know Strange", you explained.
"Unfortunately we can't ask him right now. He's a bit busy", Steve said.
"Wait... we're in the Tower, right?", you asked and confused everyone even more.
"Uh, yeah", Steve replied.
"You didn't sell the tower?", you asked facing Tony.
"No. I wanted to but I decided against it", he explained and you nodded, realizing that not everything was like in the movies, "How do you know about that? I didn't tell anyone."
You shook your hand and waved him off: "At my home you sold it but it doesn't really matter right now."
"Can anyone tell me where the sanctum is?", you asked.
"The what?", Tony asked and looked to the others.
"Do you know at least one thing by any chance? Like....", you sighed frustrated, "I just want to figure out what to do, okay? I... I don't know. Maybe there is just a reason I'm here. A lesson to learn or something? God, I dunno..."
"Listen, kiddo, we have no clue what you want from us but I can tell you a lesson to learn if that's what you're seeking for. Which is to not just come into someone's place, vanish and come back to piss us off even more", Tony said a bit irritated.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm just as confused as you are, I suppose. And the only thing I have in mind is to find Dr. Strange but somehow it's not the time so maybe it's not about him. I don't know...", you explained a little lost in thoughts. 
"Y/n, would you mind coming with me?", Steve asked and you looked at him.
"Uhm... sure...", you said and followed him to another smaller room. You both sat down, he in front of you. 
"Tell me everything you know and don't let anything out", he said and looked at you patiently.
"Like... everything everything? The whole truth?"
He nodded.
"What if I mess with my brain? Or time? Or if I break anything? I don't know how this whole travel thing works which is why I thought Strange could help me...", you said low.
"Don't think about that, we'll deal with that later. If that even happens, okay?", he asked comforting and you nodded.
"This might get confusing so... just ask if anything is unclear...", you said and he nodded.

Y/N and the MultiverseWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu