"Thanks, Linda," I said quietly, crossing my arms.

In truth, I didn't feel beautiful. More exposed, than anything. Linda smiled, patting my shoulder reassuringly. She wasn't happy about the party either, like me, she was just trying to survive the night.

"Let's just try to have some fun, alright?"

I nodded, following her out of my bedroom and into the living room where the rest of the family was.

Mom was dressed in the only color of dress she owned, black. The boys both wore suits with little pink roses in their pockets. And Linda had on a white blouse and navy skirt. But the real star of the show was Megan, wearing a full face of makeup, her long black hair all pinned up in curls, and her blush pink dress with a full tulle skirt and pearl accents. God, she looked like a fairy princess or something.

If you didn't know any better, you might have thought we were going to the Queen of England's wedding or something. It was typical that Megan would pull something like that. She picked out my dress but made sure she had a bigger and better one. She loved the spotlight, and she sure got a lot of attention that night. I just wished the dress was the only stunt she pulled that night.

Mom looked at her watch, not even bothering to say "hi" or "you look nice" to me before she ushered us out the door and to the limo. The ride to (quote by Paul Holden) "that nice place down by the river" consisted of everyone gushing over Megan. I didn't mind though, it meant everyone left me alone and distracted from the backpack of extra clothes I snuck out of the house.

Inside the hall, it was packed with people, most of which were young men from mom's work, or boys Paul went to high school with. Very little, we're my family, and that's saying something because my mom's side of the family is quite large.

I couldn't even breathe before I was surrounded by boys, and not just me, Megan too. The funny thing was, I didn't know a single one of them, but they all talked to me like they had met me before. Megan was loving the attention, me and Paul, not so much. He was glaring at his girlfriend, and I was keeping a close eye on the clock. Of course, that's hard to do, when there are twenty faceless boys in your way all the time.

My saving grace was Linda, who pulled me away, saying, "Geez, give the girl a little space and some water"

"Thank you," I mumbled as we sped walked away from a group of grumbling guys.

"Don't thank me yet, hon. I have a feeling that's not the only time I'll need to save you." She said. I weakly chuckled as we sat down at our table.

Not ten seconds later, Megan and Paul strode up, his arm around her waist and nervous yet excited grins on both their faces.

"We have an announcement!" Paul started. Megan held up her left hand and squealed. On her finger was the biggest rock I had ever seen in my entire life, glittering in the dim light. A murmur of delight sprang up around all the family as they congratulated the newly engaged.

Linda and I sunk back in our chairs in pure shock. But Megan wasn't done yet.

"But that's not all!" She said, glancing at Paul.

"Were pregnant!" They said in sync. The family exploded in joy. Except for Linda and me. Her jaw was on the floor, and her black eyes were wider than I had ever seen them, it looked like they might just pop out. She couldn't even speak up she was so in shock.

The Stars In Your Eyes ✩ Tim ShepardWhere stories live. Discover now