The meet and greet

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Dream / Y/N POV:

Ugh!! I can't believe i've been forced to go to this meet and greet by my best friend george! Yes i know im kinda famous but its my first meet and greet and im scared. I got interrupted in my thoughts by the agitating screeching voice of georgenotfound that i had grown to love over the past few months.
"CLAY!! ARE YOU ALMOST READY? WE HAVE TO GO IN FIVE MORE MINUTES!!" George practically sobbed. "YEAH IM ALMOST READY ONE SEC." I replied in a somber tone shouting.

Time skip almost at the meet and greet:

"Eeek!! im soooooo exited!" George shrieked emphasising the o. "Its not that exiting george." I said back rolling my eyes. "Your just being jealous that i am dating your best friend timothéé!" He shouted at me "Well you knew i liked him and you went and stole him from me! He was my first ever crush!!" I said whimpering. "Its not my fault he liked me better." George said cheekily "Oh well whatever nevermind.." I said quietly pulling out my heartstopper book from my tote bag.

Time skip at the meet and greet.

"Please george i dont want to be hereeeeee." I whined "Oh come on now, its not that long plus when we get home we can play minecraft, deal?" George said " Deal." I said sternly while huffing. As the meet and greet went on it was getting late and i was about to leave i heard this sexy, low growly voice come up from behind me and when i looked back it was no other then Eddie Munson.

The first chapter im so exited for you to read this!! Have a good and merry Christmas.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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