their room

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Wednesday and Enid were walking to their room, As they finally got there, Wednesday continued unpacking. "Do you need some help?" Said Enid.

"I know how to use boxes, I've stored bodies many times." Enid looked at her. "Is that a yes or no?" Wednesday stared at the wall for a second. Some thoughts were going on in her mind.

"...I guess it can be a yes." Wednesday said while staring at Enid. "Alright!" Enid started walking to Wednesday's side of the room. 

While Enid was opening boxes, She found a miniature guillotine "What the hell is this?!"  Enid said. "Oh, that! It gives me memories of cutting off my doll's heads." Wednesday replied, While holding it up and looking at it. "Uhh.. Ok then.." Edin said, Then she thought "How could such a hot person be so scary? Wait."

"Hey Edin, What are you thinking about?" Wednesday asked As Edin was spacing out looking at the wall. Edin suddenly jumped up and looked at Wednesday. "Nothing.." Wednesday could sense she was lying, She looked at her a tiny bit confused, But she just kept opening boxes.

After Wednesday's side of the room was fully unpacked, Edin went back to her side of the room. Edin seemed zoned out, "Hey.. Wednesday?" "What now?" "Do you.." Edin stopped talking for a second. Wednesday looked at her, "What?" "Nothing.." Wednesday looked back, Wondering what she meant. Many thoughts were racing in her head, She got up from her bed and walked out of the dorm, "Where are you going?" Said Edin. "For a walk." "But it's pouring outside!" Wednesday ignored the weather and went outside for a walk. 


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