part 5

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Me and Charlotte met anna, eleanor, bryan, and mike at lunch. We sat down at our regular table. And this time i got something called sushi, which is this  rice filled, raw fish, avocado, all wrapped in seeweed. It’s actually very good. I thought it was bad but it’s supposedly quite fancy.

“Hey you never responded to my text.” Anna said.

“What text?” I asked.

“Check your phone.”

“Okay.” I said and searched through my bag for my phone. where was it? where did i put it? Oh yeah, at my lab table. I was about to head to the science room until i saw greggory holding my phone up high at his lunch table. Ugh how dare he take my phone. how dare he!!

“I’ll be right back. I need to go destroy some balls.” I said. Mike and Bryan laughed and eleanor looked worried. 

“Greggory. Before I get pyshical I’d like my phone back.” I said to him calmly. Liam, dylan, and marcus went ooooo.

“Pyschially? I’d like to see that.” he waved his eyebrows up and down.

“You wish.” I said.

“Girlz got attitude.” Marcus said.

“Just give her her phone back man.” Dylan said to him.

“No. She was pretty rude to me in science today. She has to earn it.” greggory said.

“Is this supposed to be funny. Because i’m a pretty laughable person. So when I’m not laughing that means that it’s not funny.” I said very frusturated.

“I’m laughing.” Tiffany said. whoa where did she come from?

“I was talking about human beings not plastic barbies.”

“Hahahaha! I like this girl!” Marcus said.

“I don’t.” Tiffany said.

“that’s great. and tihs conversation is so worth my time. Greggory come on.” I said. “Now i would kick you in the balls. but yours are so little that you wouldn’t be hurt.” 

“this girl is good!” Marcus said.

“Now that you said that. I will be keeping this phone for the weekend.” He said. I grabbed his arm and was about to twist it until he twisted mine.

“Ouch.” I said. “I thought you weren’t supposed to hit girls.”

“I wasn’t hitting a girl.” He said.

“Give her her phone greggory.” A british voice behind me said. I turned around and it was archer.

“You stay out of this.”

“No. Not until you give the girl her phone back.” Archer repeated.

“Make me.” Just then Archer pounced on greggory and they started to fight. Until Liam marcus and dylan had to break them up. Marcus handed me my phone.

“Here you go. Now was that so hard?” Marcus looked at greggory. Greggory looked at archer who was looking back at him, both of them looked at each other with hate.

I entered the auditorium by myself. And sat down in the back. I was scared to sit next to archer. Gregory walked in and gave me a dirrty look and saw archer sitting a few rows in front of me and walked on and sat by Isabella. Alice came up to me.

“Hi Ivy!” She said. “Listen, I know this is last minute but I’m having a get together with friends. Anna is invited. I handed out the invitations a month ago but since you’re new and i didn’t know you i didn’t have a chance to invite you!” She handed me an envelope.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2011 ⏰

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