Chapter 4 - The End

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These 2 soldiers stayed still, broken, and hopeless. Suddenly, a bright light began to fill the valley. The most beautiful light ever seen. The dirt, the grime, and the filth could no longer be seen or smelt. The bright light coming towards them gradually erased all the darkness. A lovely scent, unlike anything, smelled before overpowered the stench of that valley. The darkness and filth could not withstand it.

While all this was happening, the 2 soldiers gazed in wonder at the environment wondering what was happening. After all the darkness and filth disappeared, the bright light began to move toward them. Their wonder kept them rooted at the spot. Gradually the being in the light began to be revealed to them. This being was jasper and carnelian in appearance (Revelations 4:3), surrounded by a fiery flame, wearing a crown with a name hidden from everyone except the wearer and known as the Word of God.

Finally, the being was seen to look like a person with glory radiating from Him. "Who are you?" Rhea and Atlas asked. When He spoke, His words shook the earth around them. He said powerfully "I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, Faithful and True, a just Judge, King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelations 19:11-13, Revelations 22:13). Rhea and Atlas fell to their knees crying and saying " Lord Jesus." The Lord responded, "Why have you forsaken me and turned your backs on me?" "Lord have mercy on us, we allowed ourselves to be distracted from our service to you. Please have mercy." They cried with genuine remorse in their hearts.

The Lord Jesus then said to them "Fear not. Even though you left me, I have never left you. Even though you forgot me, I have never forgotten you. Even though you stopped loving me, I have never stopped loving you. Even when you felt like you were alone, I was always with you. Rise out of your shame, sin, and depravity and dwell with me. You are my children and I have loved you since the beginning of time and always will. Your sins are forgiven."

In the twinkle of an eye, Rhea and Atlas were lifted out of the mud valley on a cloud as white as snow. They traveled with the Lord Jesus to a place that was truly beautiful to behold. The Lord Jesus said to them "I have forgiven you and transformed you. I have called you back to my service and love. Go into the world and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:19-20)."

Finally, the Lord Jesus said to them, "At the end of your service when I have called you home, You will reign with me forever in a beautiful city with 12 gates each made from a single pearl and streets of pure gold, transparent as glass (Revelations 21:21). I will wipe away every tear from your eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or cry or pain. The old things have disappeared (Revelations 21:4)." I go to prepare a place with many mansions for you (John 14:2)."

After leaving them with the fruits of His Spirit and the strength to carry out the work given to them, the Lord Jesus returned to Heaven. With this new assignment and revival in their souls and bodies, Rhea and Atlas preached the gospel to the ends of the earth, making disciples with every breath of theirs till the Lord called them home to glory in the 120th year of their lives.


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