Izuku vs Endeavor! Mitsuki's kink 🍋 🍋!

Start from the beginning

     That night Eri slept between me and Ochako. For the first time ever both me and Eri slept peacefully. Each night after we rotated as each girl got a chance to sleep beside me and Eri. The next day I told Mina everything. She regretted teasing me and Eri. She truly did and I held no grudge. From that day on she refused to tease us until given permission by Mitsuki. As the days went on I had helped each student reach new levels of power. In the materia course I was surprised to learn even with quirks can learn magic just not as powerful as a quirkless. Ochako was able to use full cowling at 12% and I had taught her she was a gravity manipulator now. She could select the amount of gravity to remove or add and even move what she affect by her gravity. Soon the day came. The day that Endeavor never suspected to come. He was brought to the Sports Festival to watch his son. However he wasn't expecting me to be there nor challenged him to battle. "Hello everyone and welcome to UA sport's festival. Today we have a special treat. Izuku Strife the world's strongest being has challenged a top hero to a duel." I hear present Mic say as I smile. I walk into the arena. The crowd has few supporters for me and I laugh.

    "Well. For those in support thank you. For those who underestimate me watch as I destroy a false hero before your very eyes. Isn't that right. Endeavor?" He glares at me and walks to the railing. "Oh what is little flamer upset he got called out as a fraud by the world's strongest? Well too bad. Prove to the world you can't be beaten by a small weak Quirkless boy fireface. Oh then again I'm not your wife or kids so you may not be able to attack me as you did them huh abusive dick?" He snarls at me. "Ooh I know kiddies I let big bad overcompensater get in 3 minute of quirkless fighting. I won't fight back until the three minutes expire. If I feel even the slightest bit of pain I will acknowledge you. But if you use your quirk before the 3 minutes are up I'll cut your limbs off. Deal?" Present Mic starts losing his shit and the crowd tells Enji to kick my ass. "Well he can try and fail to kick my ass but its his wife and daughter that love my ass. As well the Phallus nearly triple the size of his own. So Lord premature. Will you continue to overcompensate mister 2 centimeter peter?"

       He roared a response to my provocations and charged at me to attack. He started quirkless and hit me as hard as he could. I didn't even try to dodge. Punching as hard as he could only for me to not move at all once he connected. "Aww. Lord overcompensate seems you're all bark and no bite. Try harder. You have 2 minutes 40 seconds left." He punches and kicks as hard as possible yet nothing happened. No scratches or even scuff marks. Even after time ended he did no damage. The crowd now nervous all wait for me to attack. "Sigh. I'm bored. Use your fire flameface. For 3 minutes. Use all your strongest attacks." The crowd as well as he starts to cheer and laugh. "Laugh all you will. If I feel no pain I'll cut your goddamn arms and legs off boy." That draws jeers and people claim I lie. I sigh. "So you prefer I dismember him now and not give you his chance to appear like a threat to me?" This shuts them down for a moment until Endeavor starts blasting various fire attacks. Even a promimence burn. Yet again once all is said and done no damage. "Sigh. You couldn't even burn my clothes. How pathetic you are. Oh well. Oh hang on Enji there's something on your arm." I say and faster than the eyes could see he loses his right arm. "Oh my god holy fuck he really did it!" I hear people say random fearful things. "Oh dear seems I wasn't lying after all. Oh well. Now avert your eyes for a moment and look at the viewscreen. See the confessions of his family. From hundreds of other victims of the crimes this supposed 'hero' committed. This boys and girls is but a charlatan. I am the hero to slay this fiery demon of ill repute. Don't worry I can heal him completely. I just don't care. I will take him to the brink of death then fully heal him. Repeat process until I feel he has had enough. Then my mother for reasons most personal shall destroy his jewels before he is arrested for all his sins. Stripped of title and rank. All assets to go to the now Himura family and other victims of his actions. Enji. Karma has come a calling and you can't do a damn thing against my weak quirkless ass as you put it. KNOW THIS PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE ME. NEVER DOUBT ME. NEVER LOOK PAST ME. NEVER TEST ME. FOR ONCE MY ANGER IS BUILT UP ENOUGH TO DRAW THESE BLADES YOU'RE LOCKED INTO A LIFE AND DEATH BATTLE. TRY TO FLEE AND YOU DIE. TRY TO BEG AND YOU DIE. TRY TO DO ANYTHING BUT FIGHT FOR YOUR VERY LIFE AND YOU DIE. SO BIG BAD ENDEAVOR. SHOW ME YOUR VAUNTED POWER AND I'LL SHOW THE WORLD. MY TRUE STRENGTH." After my oath Endeavor just stood there and waited for death. His real self revealed. He is but a pretender to the throne the audience and viewers all realize this was a true massacre. Their hero was demolished by a quirkless boy. Destroyed nearly completely then repaired. Over and over again. Until finally a woman with onyx eyes and long black hair stepped onto the field and walked to the prone Enji Todoroki before delivering a punch so powerful it removed his genitals from existence. Soon after the bleeding was stopped and the police dragged him away. I grab the Mic. "So. How was that for all of you? Enough proof that my quirkless arrogant bratty ass was really the strongest on Earth and not being arrogant or lying when I did as I said I would and utterly destroyed #1? Good. Now for the sports festival to commence.

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