A gentle touch on my shoulder sent the three of us back to the cabin. I reluctantly looked up to meet Magnes sad gaze. "Well?" I asked slowly, already reading the answer on her face but hoping something else was the cause of the pain-filled expression. One small shake of her head was all it took to send me spiraling.

It felt as if my own heart had stopped and been ripped from its cavity. This was it, there was nothing left that we could do, she was gone. The small bit of life I could sense in her earlier was depreciating by the minute, my sanity was going along with it. There had to be something I could do, one last shot.

I ran for the books of knowledge on our kind, the creatures of shadow. I tossed them all next to Ashe so that I wouldnt have to leave her side for even a second.

"I'll tell the girls," I heard Magne lightly speak before turning into the kitchen.

Her friends, our friends, our family. Id almost forgotten, another jolt of earth shattering pain banged through my chest at the realization that shed been ripped from more than just her lover, me, but her family and friends too. Oh gods, I thought to myself, her parents. My hand slapped over my mouth, holding back another round of uncontrollable sobs. Shed been fighting so hard for them, and them for her.

"You're lying!" I heard a cry from the kitchen. Immediately recognizing it as Oakleys voice. I heard her rushed stomps into the living room with Ashe and I, coming to an abrupt stop upon seeing what was in front of her.

"No no, no, NO!" She cried out, sending more pain through my heart as reality only sank in deeper. She slid down onto her knees next to me, taking Ashes hand in hers and bringing it to her quivering lips. As she squeezed her eyes shut, tears fell fast. Seeing her pain only added to mine. They may not have been related by blood, but Oakley was Ashes sister at heart. That made her mine as well.

A sob broke through me again, bringing Oakley back to reality for a moment and looking as if shed only just noticed that I was there. "Oh August, what are we going to do?" She busted into a heavy sob, I wasnt sure what to do so I pulled her into a tight hug.

We cried together like that for a while, I almost forgot she wasnt my actual sister. Realizing just how much like Celest Oakley was made me sob even harder. Celest wouldve loved Ashe and Oakley and they would have loved her.

I could sense Clovella standing behind us, the occasional sniffles wouldve given her away anyways. My heart wrenched further, they never got the chance to become closer, better friends. The ground shook slightly, stealing a shocked gasp from Oakley. I looked to Magne, she gave me a soft smile and nodded towards the door as it opened softly.

Another sob almost choked its way out of me as Chip took calculated, slow steps into the cabin. Hed grown and developed so much since he was a toddler. Another thing my sweet angel was missing out on, he made her transition into this world lighter through the short period they had met. Their connection was near instant and I knew that it could have grown too, given the chance. Pops, something in me finally snapped as I remembered the old man that raised Ashe. He had no idea. I was certain the news would break Pops heart to the point of a heart attack if he found out.

It seemed as if things only got worse by the minute, until something clicked. "She doesnt need her heart," I whispered as the realization and idea bloomed within me. Magne shook her head, "yes she does August, Im sorry honey but if we cant get it back in the next fourteen hours shes-."

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