Chapter 16

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Zabuza followed Gengo irritatedly through the frigid wood. He would have been home already, had Gengo not notified him of the response of the man he'd inquired about. Of course, this meeting was an important one, but traveling to the location detailed in the coded message was a fair distance out of his way. And, to annoy him even more, Gengo needed to go with him on the insistence of the mysterious contact. Gengo was a reliable ally, but he was far too chatty in Zabuza's opinion. Too chatty and too curious.

Gengo, on the other hand, was clearly pleased to have the travel time alone with Zabuza. He asked many careful, probing questions and changed his methods each time Zabuza failed to reply or shut down the conversation. Zabuza never failed to stir his curiosity, but there were many answers he sought. For one, Zabuza was overly tight-lipped about his mysterious apprentice. Ordinarily, he would explain the talents and achievements of any recruit, though this apprentice was a taboo subject. Gengo could tell that Zabuza was withholding information– vital, juicy information– and he was determined to find out what it was. As curious as he was, he was a patient man. Patient and persistent.

After two days the pair finally reached the coordinates. Zabuza was very tired of Gengo's company and was thoroughly unimpressed with the dilapidated temple Gengo had led him to. It was clear that this had been a holy place at one point, but that era was long gone. Nature had proudly reclaimed the structure: trees grew through the stone and left deep cracks; moss and fungi spread abundantly along the floors, walls, and what remained of the ceiling; birds, foxes, rodents, and even boar making the ruins a home over time was evident. Despite all of that, the area was unnaturally quiet and empty.

Zabuza was going to raise his brow and question Gengo's contact when Gengo discovered what they had been looking for– a small opening only wide enough to slip inside from the side, hidden by a thick curtain of moss. Gengo attempted to graciously motion for Zabuza to take the lead, but Zabuza raised his brow.

"You first."

Gengo chuckled. Sure enough, it was to be expected of Zabuza to be so skeptical. It was a good skill– a useful skill– for keeping one alive. He obliged and slipped through the crack, disappearing after some time in the darkness. Zabuza waited and listened for any small sounds indicating a trap, but there was none. Gengo's voice echoed through the tunnel after a few moments to assure Zabuza it was safe, and Zabuza followed suit.

Zabuza was not claustrophobic by any means, but he did not take to feeling trapped well. Small spaces meant that he could not defend himself well– if at all– and he did not like to feel vulnerable. He grumbled curses under his breath about Gengo until the narrow passage opened and he was able to comfortably stand in the center of a circular underground room. Several dark halls branched off from this central area, and he crossed his arms as he looked at Gengo.

"Well? Which way?"

"So impatient, Zabuza. How unlike you." Gengo chuckled and looked around the area, carefully examining the entrance of each hall. "Or, rather, very characteristic." His lips curved in a smirk and he pointed at a small design that resembled an old clan seal. "This way."

The next hallway was long and dimly lit by small bulbs suspended from the ceiling in intervals. They illuminated when Gengo and Zabuza drew near, then ominously shut off again once they had passed. Zabuza did not like this place or its supposed inhabitant already.

After walking for some time they arrived in another large, circular room. Instead of more hallways, there was only a single door with the same symbol printed on its center. Unlike the ruins or the passages they had been through, this door was modern and secured shut. Zabuza noted the small security camera watching them above the doorway. He narrowed his eyes at its lens, and a voice crackled over the speaker.

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