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February 19th, 2022

let's just say kenzie was not prepared for the surprise her and joe would be presented with when she got home.

joe's flight to cincinnati was tomorrow so he planned on spending the night at kenzie's. after their flight got delayed too many times, they finally made it home at 2:30 in the morning.

thankfully joe's flight wasn't until the evening that day so he could actually sleep.

once they got settled and showered, she heard a knock on the door. she got up from the couch, sending joe a confused look.

she opened the door to travis and izzy standing there. what are they doing here at 3:45 in the morning?

"what are you guys doing here?" kenzie asked looking between the two.

"don't know." izzy asked looking at kenzie. then they proceeded to walk into her house.

"okay?" kenzie asked closing the door and following them to wherever they were going. "do you just show up to my house unannounced?"

"kenz, we are your family." travis said sitting down on the love seat with kenzie. joe sending her a confused look and kenzie shrugging her shoulders.

"did you invite someone else?" kenzie said as she heard another knock on the door.

"no." izzy and travis said at the same time looking at eachother.

"i'll come with you." joe said getting up from the couch. izzy and travis followed.

kenzie opened the door to kayla and her father?

"kayla?" travis and izzy said at the same time.

"dad?" kenzie said with a shocked expression. what was he doing here?

"dad!" travis yelled angrily.

"why are you and kayla together?" kenzie asked looking between the two. "at my house?"

"you don't know?" kayla said in a very annoying tone. "this is my boyfriend, sorry fiancé."

"excuse me?" travis said angrily.

"are you being serious?" kenzie said trying to grasp what she just said.

"yep." kayla said shoving her hand in her face to show her the ring.

"get your hand out of my face." kenzie said.

"or what?" kayla said tilting her head to the side cockily. "it wittle kenzie wenzie gonna fight me?" kayla said with a fake pout.

"quaking in my boots." kenzie's father said acting scared making kayla laugh.

"i can't deal with this right now." travis said walking out of sight from the door, izzy following.

"come on then kenzie." kayla said. "you don't have it in you?"

kayla raised her arm to slap her but kenzie grabbed it before she could. "not even a punch? that's embarrassing for you kayla."

kenzie's father raised a hand and walked forward, this time to try and punch kenzie.

"think about putting a hand on her again and i will kill you." joe said stepping in front of kenzie and grabbing the collar of his shirt.

"kayla." kenzie's father said breaking away from joe's grasp. "we should get out of here."

the best idea kenzie's father has ever had in his entire life.

they left, and for some reason so did joe.

kenzie sat on the couch for about a half and hour trying to collect her thoughts then went to find her brother.

"trav?" kenzie asked knocking on the guest room door.

"hm?" travis said from inside the room. kenzie went in and sat down on the floor next to him.

"you ok?" she asked him. his eyes were puffy and red. travis never cries but when he does, he is really upset.

"nope." travis said simply leaning his head back onto the wall he was sitting against.

"talking about it helps." kenzie suggested making travis chuckle.

"you never talk about your feelings, kenzie. like at all." travis said still chucking.

"well, you should try it." kenzie said. he was right but at least he was smiling.

"first of all, how did they even meet? and second of all, age difference is coo coo." travis said shaking his head in disbelief.

"it's giving very much cougar." kenzie said making travis laugh at her comment.

"third of all, how does he know where you live. and what in the world do they see in eachother? they are both manipulative liars that run from their problems." travis said rolling his eyes.

"everybody meets their match, i guess." kenzie said shrugging her shoulders.

"so," travis said changing the subject. "how was paris with mr. burrow."

"it was fun." kenzie said. it was, but she decided not to tell travis about joe's episodes. "he asked me to be his girlfriend."

"he did?" travis said breaking a smile, happy for his sister as kenzie nodded. "that's great, kenzie. i'm happy for you."

"what about you and izzy?" kenzie said nudging his arm.

"she's amazing. we went to dinner the other day, and i've never had so much fun before. i love her so much." travis quickly stopped speaking and slapped his hand to his mouth.

kenzie gasped. "i did not just say that." travis said in shock at his own words.

"you did just say that." kenzie said quickly slapping her brother's arm trying to contain her excitement. "you have to tell her!"

"we've only been dating since the beginning of january, kenz." travis said. "that would be too fast."

"falling in love doesn't take that long, travis. just tell her." kenzie said.

"are you in love with joe?" travis asked changing the subject.

"we've been dating for like 3 days travis, that's different." kenzie said waving her hand.

"officially dating, y'all are dating before that though. we all know it." travis said, he made a good point.

she has only known him since january, this would be moving too fast for him. maybe she should back out of it a little.

give time for things to gradually ease in more instead of rushing them. she thought about it, and she couldn't tell if she loved joe or not.

she didn't really know what love was. whenever she was around joe, her heart would skip 8 beats at once, her hands would get sweaty and she would immediately break into a smile. "uh oh, i'm falling in love." kenzie thought to herself.

but kenzie thought some more, joe would break his back to make her break a smile even if it was only for a second. "oh no, i'm falling in love again." kenzie though to herself. if joe and kenzie ever did break up, it would take her forever to get over it. she'll be getting over him her whole life.

then, kenzie thought some more. joe would never purposely hurt her. he cares about her so much. "oh." kenzie said to herself this time but with new meaning. "i'm falling in love." it is almost as if kenzie was in a crashing plane but joe turned it right around.


sweet nothing by taylor is one of the most adorable songs like ever <333

anyways, what's everybody's favorite taylor swift song?

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