Can't think

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Third POV
"You're just like him, in so many ways"

Y/n paused before absently staring at her reflection in the mirror. She gazed upon a figure that seemed so anomalous as if she were gazing back at a total stranger. In a black suit she left collecting dust in the back of her closet, hair tied into a tight ponytail whilst two strands hung on the frame of her face, with an ancient black tie she suddenly forgot how to adjust. Why was it that she was remembering mori san's dreadful words now? Why is it that she wished it sounded more of a compliment?

Too many questions she could only drown in.

"Ah, got distracted again" she murmured under her breath, deciding to leave the tie and worry more about being on time for a chaotic meeting between her family members. On time? Ha, she must be losing it now. Ever since she had woken up beside that bandaged bastard a week ago her head has been up in the clouds, suffocating.

It wasn't that she was flustered or anything...well she did wake up flustered and embarrassed but now that she was calm and collected she feels more...puzzled. But what was there to be confused about? All they did was sleep in each other's arms, end of story. Or perhaps, what she fails to understand was the fact that they were both comfortable. Two very opposite people laying in each other's embrace like there was no one else in the world who would do the same. She shouldn't be thinking too deeply into it but it's just the way his hand never let go of hers, steady breathing, clean and soft bandages she has always been curious of, uplifting of his chest, the tender feeling of his hand running through her hair, faint scent of her shampoo enveloping them and and-shut the fuck up, what is wrong with you? Get your head out of your fucking ass.

Maybe she was taken aback by how someone who is so obsessed with death, enjoys killing, and works under the person she despises, be so human.

She's scared—scared she has now fallen for the mafia executives' trap in earning her complete trust. matter how scared, she will never allow him to have his way, not even at her last draw of breath.

"I'm leaving" she announces hastily opening the door knowing her mother will stop her, and of course she was right.

"Oh my, Y/n" her mother suddenly pulled her by the collar and spun her around. She very carefully observed the H/c head before smiling.
"My, you've grown up so much honey" she comments genuinely and Y/n is glad for that, glad she didn't start comparing in an instant or question the tie.
"Thanks mum" She mustered a small smile to her lovely mother, though her heart aches to stare into those eyes that feel as if they were missing something, something so important.

Oh god, she didn't deserve such a caring mother.

"Say, why don't you wear a dress though? Like girls your age" she asks and Y/n can only continue to smile.

"I guess I like suits"


"Ahhh, it looks brand newwww" Y/n squealed in excitement whilst hugging her motorbike she missed so much.
Due to an 'accidental' crash to a pole trying to run over an annoying bastard, her bike was completely destroyed, the only mechanic she trusted was her uncle on her mum's side and thank god he was actually good at his job.

"Thanks so much, no one could fix it better then you" she complimented before offering her uncle a high five which he accepted.
"Nah, it was an easy fix. Just don't go running people over, you're a police officer for gods sake" he laughed before patting her back.

"Say..." her uncle suddenly went quiet. "How's your...mother?" He hesitantly inquired guilt drowning in those identical hazel eyes. Y/n sighed, patting the hand that was on her back before speaking. "She's not mad at you, stop blaming yourself"
But he only frowned at the words and she couldn't say anything more, that would only lead to hypocrisy.

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