The Battle Chateu

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(Disclaimer: Still own nothing)

Where we last left off with our heroes, they had awakened the Snorlax that had blocked their path and began traversing Route 7. But along the way Chrome's new companion, Amber, decided that they stop at a nearby facility in order to train for the boy's upcoming Gym Battle.

Chrome: "The Battle Chateau? What kind of place is that?"

Amber: "Just a place for Trainers like you and me to show what we're made of! ...And a good source of money if you're feeling a bit low."

Chrome: "Isn't this place a little.......fancy? I don't want to risk another scene like before...."

Amber: "C'mon! Let's head inside already!"

Without warning, Amber takes Chrome by the hand and drags the boy inside the Chateau. They were greeted by a bright flash of light before their vision readjusted. Once they have, the pair is greeted by a single maid, courteously bowing to them as if they were the lords of the establishment.

Maid: "Good morning, valued guests. Welcome to the Battle Chateau."

Amber: "Rachel!"

Amber runs up to hug the maid, Rachel, who promptly returns the gesture.

Rachel: "it's good to see you again, Amber. I take it you have been well?"

Amber: "'s a bit of a long story."

Rachel: "One which you can tell me and the others once we've gotten you changed out of that uniform. It's looks so filthy!"

Rachel pulls Ember by the hand into another room to clean up, leaving the Former Loud boy and his sound asleep Charmander to themselves. Some time passes until another staff member, a young butler, made himself known.

"Butler": "Terribly sorry for the delay, valued guest. Please allow me to show you to the next room and answer any questions you may have."

The two walk through a set of double doors and traverse a long hallway. As they walk, Chrome glances out the window on his right, seeing a battle arena above the water stream. On it, a pair of Trainers were battling with Pokémon that were, at first glance, much higher leveled than his current team. The young Loud nervously brings his attention back upfront.

His escort proceeds to open another set of double doors, leading to a large waiting room filled with 6 other trainers, most of which were paying attention to their own devices. Almost all of the other occupants had an aura of a higher class.

Butler: "As you are new to the Chateau, you can start with battling the Baron and Baroness rank trainers. Do you have any questions for me, sir?"

Chrome: "uh, yeah... what's this about ranks? Do I immediately have one or do I register somewhere first?"

Butler: "Oh! I-I am terribly sorry, sir! I was under the impression that Ms. Rachel had signed you in already. I'll go get the registrations right now!"

The butler immediately leaves the room, shutting the door before Chrome could even respond. With nothing else to really do, the boy walks over to one of the windows and to watch the battle outside, with his now wide awake Charmander adjusting himself on his trainer's shoulders. The battle had reached its conclusion, with both sides ending in a draw, as one of the other guests approached Chrome.

Baron: "Excuse me, if its not too much trouble, would you like to have a battle with me? Since you're waiting, might as well kill some time, no?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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