25. Where?

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Y/n pov

I look at her text confused. So i decide to write back.

Y/n:What happened?

Wednesday:Someone is watching us

Y/n:How do you know?

Wednesday:I got a text from an unknown person with a photo of us when you gave me the phone

Y/n:Wtf, send me the photos

Wednesday:I don't know how


Wednesday:It's my first phone, what do you expect?

Y/n:Whatever, can i call you?

Wednesday:No, Lurch is in the car

Y/n:Who's Lurch?

Wednesday:Our butler

Y/n:Oh, that tall guy?

Wednesday:Yes, that's him

Y/n:Well, call me when you're alone


I hung up. I get a call from the officer saying that i should come and he is waiting for me outside. I leave and find him there with his personal car.

Officer:Do you like it? Cuz i think it's beautiful

Y/n:Yeah, it's fine

Officer:I came with this so people won't give weird looks that the police came after you

Y/n:It has logic

Officer:Get in the car, i have a surprise for you


Officer:If i tell you it's not a surprise anymore

Y/n:Fine, can we just go?

Officer:Yeah yeah now

We get in the car and the officer starts to drive.

Y/n:So where will i stay?

Officer:It's a secret, you're gonna find out soon and you're gonna love it


Officer:After everything that happened here i think you deserve a reward. I mean, damn, some guy that got back to life by some crazy bitch?

Y/n:If we talk about that crazy bitch, what happened to her?

Officer:She is locked for now, too bad we can't give death sentence


Officer:Look Y/n, i understand how you feel. You were close to that woman but not everyone is how they seem, some people can look kind but be the worst people in the world

Y/n:I know, i saw it myself

Officer:I'm pretty sure the new teachers that will come here will be way better than the old ones

Y/n:...I don't like changes


Y/n:I just don't like changes, i want everything to be normal like it was at the start

Officer:We can't choose to stop changes, you're gonna grow up. Just two more years and then you're gonna do whatever you want with your life

Y/n:I know, but i am too irresponsible

Officer:What makes you say that?

Y/n:I don't know, i jus feel like growing up is the worst thing. I will have to do things by myself, if i do a mistake it can determinate my entire life and I don't like it. I don't even know if i can make decisions with fully 100% trust. I will always have that side that will tell me i am wrong

Officer:Hey, forget the drama, it's still time until then. You should get some sleep, it's gonna take some time

I then fall asleep and later wake up by the officer.

Officer:We are here, get out

I get out of the car and feel disappointed.

Y/n:This is not Hawaii

Officer:Nope, it's actually the opposite


Officer:Shut up

I look to see a spooky house that looks older than my entire dead family that i never met.

Y/n:Where are we?

Officer:At the Addams!

Y/n:The Addams?!

Officer:Yup, you will stay here. I know you get along with Wednesday. And we made an announcement about who will take you at their home since your "parents" are in another country and they accepted without any question. I wasn't really sure at first but i decided to forget about everything that happened and let you stay here

Y/n:Can't i just sleep at nevermore?


Y/n:This is gonna be a long break

Officer:It can't be that bad, now let's go inside, they are probably already waiting for ur, or maybe said, you

Y/n:Don't make this about me please

Officer:Ha ha

We go at the door with my bags and knock on it. A big tall man that looks like he died more times than a cat's life opens the door. This is probably Lurch, the butler Wednesday told me about

Officer:Hi, is this the Addams?

The butler doesn't say anything and just stares. But he shakes his head instead telling us this is the address.

Officer:Can we get in?

The butler then moves and let us go inside. I suddenly hear a manly voice and i see the one and only Gomez.

Gomez:Lurch, who came? Oh! You're finally here! It's good to see you again Y/n!

Y/n:Good to see you too

Officer:Oh, you know each other

Gomez:Of course, we get so good along since when it was the parents visit

Y/n:I kept my promise about coming to see your train

Gomez:It's so good to hear that, i hope you're gonna feel like home here since this is gona be youe home for the entire break

Y/n:I'm sure it's gonna be fine

Gomez:To be honest, Wednesday doesn't know thst you came here

Y/n:I didn't knew i was coming here either to be honest

Morticia:What's with all this sound, oh. Y/n, you're here. I can't wait to see Wednesday's reaction when she sees you

Officer:Well, i see that here my job is done. Y/n, you took everything from the car?


Officer:Alright, be careful. I'm gonna visit you sometimes but not too often

Y/n:Okay, get it

Officer:Be safe but have time at the same tine

Y/n:Alright, see ya

The office leaves and it remains just me, Gomez and Morticia. Great, that's all I wanted from this beautiful world.

Morticia:Where are our manners, please come and take a seat. Feel like home

Gomez:Lurch, please take Y/n's bags and take them to his new room. I hope its clean as i asked you

Then Lurch take all my bags and take it to a room that i guess it's gonna be my bedroom. How did i end up in this situation and what is gonna be Wednesday's reaction when she sees me? I'm gonna find out soon enough.

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