15. Realized

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Y/n pov

...i love her. That's it. This explains all my reactions around her. I was so obsessed with the idea of hating every student of nevermore that i didn't realized that i have feelings for her. I was so dumb. And now look at me, seeing her going on a date with the guy that got some hate on me.

I was outside rethinking my entire feelings until i see her. I want to approach her but i see a very clear expression, she looked scared. Her hands with blood with Thing there.

Y/n:Wednesday, what happened?

Wednesday:I-i don't have time for talking right now....

Y/n:Where are you going?

Wednesday:Whatever, just come with me if you care so much

Her voice was trembling. This is very rare to see. I follow her and we get at the place where Eugene has his bees. Not a big fan of this place since last time when i was here the bees were out and attacked me. I see a strange man there.

Y/n:Who the fuck is this guy?

Wednesday:Uncle Fester, Thing got stabbed. We need to do something!

Fester:Who is...you know what, put Thing on the table

She puts Thing on the table and the man called Fester make somehow a thunder and give a shock to Thing. (hope the sentence makes sense) It doesn't help. He tries again but still nothing. I look at Wednesday, almost crying there.

Wednesday:No...this can't be happening

Fester:I'm sorry

She looks at Thing with tears in her eyes.

Wednesday:Thing, if you die, i will kill you

Well that makes sense.

Wednesday:...Try again!

This time Thing starts to move.

Wednesday:Who did this to you?

Thing:*hand gesture*

Y/n:Didn't saw, huh? That motherfucker

Wednesday:I swear i'll find who did this and i'll make them pay

She then gets up. Tears being on her face, she wipes them.

Wednesday:I'm gonna sew you

Fester:So, who are you?

Y/n:Umm, i'm Y/n

Fester:Oh, Wednesday's boyfriend? I thought she had something with that guy that i saw her talking to at the library


Wednesday:He means Xavier

Y/n:Oh, wait what?

Wednesday:It's a long story, i'm gonna tell you after i take care of Thing

Fester:Well, i'm gonna leave tomorrow in the morning, it was good to meet you Y/n, treat Wednesday like she deserves


Wednesday:Don't listen to him. He likes to eat bees and wanted to eat Eugene's

Y/n:Wow, you're family is very unique

Wednesday:Whatever, we should go back

Y/n:Yeah right

We leave and get back in the school. I look at Wednesday. Her face is expressionless again.

Wednesday:What are you staring at?

Y/n:Oh sorry, i waz just kinda surprised to see you crying

Wednesday:Well, i said that i will never cry again but i...couldn't stop myself this time

Y/n:Tears are normal

Wednesday:Not for me

Y/n:That's not true, everyone needs to express their emotions like sadness

Wednesday:You don't understand, tears don't fix anything

Y/n:I mean...you got a point, but it's a good way to escape from bad emotions

Wednesday:I like that

Y/n:...oh yeah, i forgot, you like everything dark. Oh yeah, was your "date" with Tyler

Wednesday:Horrible, in the bad way. We watched at a dumb horror movie. And then...

Y/n:And then what?

Wednesday:We got interrupted by his dad

Y/n:Interrupted from what?

Wednesday:From...watching the movie of course

Y/n:Well, at least you didn't had to see the entire movie

Wednesday:Yeah.... Hey, i didn't told you about the real name of the monster, did i?

Y/n:You know how it's named?

Wednesday:It's name is Hyde, and they need someone to control them, a master

Y/n:How do you know about all of this?

Wednesday:I stole the book from the library. And someone else stole it from me when i was with Tyler

Y/n:Do you have any idea who it is?

Wednesday:I think i have an idea who

Y/n:Then tell me, who?


Y/n:Why him?

Wednesday:You saw that he appears right after the hyde dissappears. The drawings too

Y/n:Are you sure?

Wednesday:I am, and i've got a plan

Y/n:What plan?

Wednesday:You're gonna see

I already don't like that.

I get in my room and i get in bed. I need some sleep after all that starts happening now. My mind don't let me to sleep so i get out. I walk around until i hear some sounds. Like a police car. I run to see what's happening. I see Xavier forced to get into the police car. He sees me. He looks shocked.

Y/n:What the fuck is happening here?

Xavier:Y/n, i am innocent, i didn't kill anyone, tell them

Sheriff:Too late, we found evidence in your little space already

Xavier:They weren't there before. I swear

Wednesday:Quit that, we know you are the Hyde

Xavier:...Y/n, you did this

Y/n:What do you mean?

Xavier:You got jealous of me and Wednesday so you tried everything to ruin us. Maybe you're the hyde

Y/n:What the hell is wrong with you?

Xavier:You weren't my actual friend, were you?

Y/n:Xavier, i have nothing to do with the evidence they found

Xavierr:So you don't deny it

Y/n:N-no, you are my friend

Xavier:Yeah, right. Like i'm supposed to believe you

Sheriff:You two, quit talking. Get in the car

He looks at me with a digusted face. Does he really think i would do something something like this just for a girl? Xavier gets in the car and the police leave. It's just me and Wednesday now.

Y/n:Wow, i didn't expected you to be serious

Wednesday:I'm always serious about my decisions

Y/n:Are you sure he did everything?


Y/n:I have never seen him doing something suspicious though

Wednesday:You always have a blind eye. You aren't really good at being a spy. Now that we are talking about this, now i guess you're free to leave since we found the hyde

Y/n:Yeah, i forgot about that

Wednesday:So are you gonna leave this school?

Y/n:...not yet

The spy (Wednesday Addams x male reader) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum