17. Mad

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Y/n pov

I feel like my breathing is getting meesed up.

Enid:Sorry, it was kinda my fault

Y/n:What did you do?

Enid:I kinda told her if she wants to see him he should better go now to him before the caffe is closed

Y/n:Then i'll go there and stop her

Enid:Then you should hurry

Y/n:I know, and...Enid, thank you for being honest with me

Enid:No problem

Y/n:See you later "sis"

Enid:Alright "bro"

We laugh before i run away. I was running like hell at the caffe. I finally arrived. I look at the window to see Tyler and Wednesday. They were kissing. Shit. Maybe if i was earlier? Nah, it wouldn't change a single shit.
Not looking anymore i just run back. Not looking back. I get at the school, maybe i should leave after all. It's a good idea. No, the best idea. I stay outside a little longer when suddenly someone comes to me.

Wednesday:Y/n, the right timing, i need to tell you something-

Y/n:I don't have time for this

Wednesday:What do you mean?

Y/n:You were right, now that the case is done i can finally leave this shitty place

Wednesday:But the case is not over, we are still partners

Y/n:Yes, the case it's over, and we are not partners anymore, everything is good now. Go to Tyler or whatever

Wednesday:But Tyler is-

Y/n:I don't care what Tyler is for you now, do whatever you want

Wednesday:You're mood is worse than other times

Y/n:You should not care about my mood, we are nothing after all

I leave. I can't look back. I don't want to hear anything. My eyes gets full of tears and i just want to leave now.

Wednesday pov

Y/n is different this time. He is very upset. I never saw him like this. Why did he mentioned Tyler from all people? Maybe because he was so glued to me? Probably. But i don't understand, why is he so angry, and...does is feels like it hurts, in a bad way. It feels like where my heart is was just stabbed. Why i don't like this feeling? I want it to end.

I get back in my room and see Enid very excited.


Wednesday:So what?

Enid:Just from curiosity, did you talked with Y/n?

Wednesday:Yes, why?


Wednesday:I guess he wasn't in the mood

Enid:He wasn't in the mood? But he was kina happy the last time i saw him

Wednesday:I don't know what are you talking about but i know that Y/n is angry at something or even someone

Enid:Wait, so something happened when you got to see Tyler?

Wednesday:Yes, something happened


Wednesday:I'm gonna tell you later

If Y/n won't help, then i have to try to do something without him.

Y/n pov

Maybe i was a little bit too rude. My jealousy is so annoying. She doesn't even know why am i acting like this and it's clearly something that she wouldn't care. It's not her fault. Just because she has an interest in another guy that doesn't mean i have to treat her like shit. I am just a partner to her after all, huh? We just helped each other and now everything is over. I should go to normal people anyway. I mean, not even humans from jericho are normal. They are weird than half of the nevermore. I should move on. Maybe find a girlfriend. Getting a job. It would be cool to have my own place to stay. Will it ever happens?

I try to think and think. Until i get a call from someone. I look to see that Enid is calling. Trying to nit show that brokenhearted voice after you cry i try to act cool.

Y/n:What's up?

Enid:Y/n, are you okay?

No. Everything, ask me anything you want but not this question. I feel like it starts everything to get blurry. I try to keep my voice straight so she won't realize that i am actually really bad.

Y/n:Yeah, i'm good, why asking?

Enid:I heard about your mood from Wednesday, did something happened?

Y/n:I don't know about this, it's just feels dumb

Enid:Y/n, you know you can trust me. Wednesday didn't told me what happened there so i need you to tell me. Maybe i can do something. Youg can trust your sister, remember?

Y/n:I see...You're right this time too sis. Well,i guess there is no way or point to hide this. I actually...saw them kissing. Here, this happened

Enid:Do you mean Wednesday and Tyler?

Y/n:Yup, saw that with my own eyes

Enid:But they never looked like that. I mean, Wednesday didn't acted like she could even be alright with him being next to her

Y/n:I know but looks like i was wrong and he was right. He knows her better than i do. Good job Tyler.

Enid:Did he actually said that?

Y/n:Of course, we are talking about Tyler after all. I guess that they are now a thing and Wednesday won't need me anymore

Enid:Y/n, i'm so sorry

Y/n:No no, its alright, its not like we could have been actually something

Enid:If you need a hug you know i am here for you

Y/n:Thanks sis, but for now, i think i just need some time alone

Enid:If this is what you want, call me later then, see ya

Y/n:Yeah, bye

I hung up. I chill in my bed. I try to sleep but i can't. I decide to stay a little on my phone but it got boring and i don't even feel to sleep when i'm on it. When it was actually working before. Now i just feel like i some have any energy to do something. But i wasn't on negative energy so i could sleep. All i have on my mind is her. Wednesday, just leave me alone. What am i supposed to do now?

The spy (Wednesday Addams x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now