3. Smarter Than It Seems

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Y/n pov

Y/n:What happened?

Wednesday:Rowan was murdered

Rowan is some guy with glasses that Xavier get along with.

Y/n:Can you take me there?

Wednesday:Let's go there

As we go there there is no body. All i see are steps, bigger than i thought. Clearly the monster that makes the killing of many people. And some blood too.

Wednesday:But it was here

Y/n:I'll call the police, let's go back to the others

As we walked, Wednesday told me that she saw Rowan going into the woods and she was going after him. And then the monster attacked.

We got back at school. I waited for the sheriff to come and i see him.

Sheriff:The girl is lying, the boy is alive

Y/n:But i saw blood and the steps with my own eyes

Sheriff:I don't know what are you talking about but you better not be lying. I have to trust you. You didn't even saw a dead body after all

Y/n:I didn't, but i know she didn't bleed, and the steps were clearly bigger than hers

Sheriff:Look, i get it. You're a teenager and it's normal to like goth girls but you chose the wrong one so don't put your feelings here

Y/n:I barely know her, what feelings are you talking about?!

Sheriff:Calm down, someone will hear us. Forget about it and concentrate to find who is the killer in the woods

Y/n:She almost was the victim, how should i forget about it?!

Sheriff:That's enough! See you at the end of the week

I can't believe it. How can't he be so calm? Is this actually the guy that protects people? He's useless

Later that day i was spying on Wednesday to make sure she's safe, god knows what it's gonna happen next. I start to feel like a hand is touching my leg. I look down to actually see a hand but without a body. I start to freak out and try not to scream.

Wednesday:Looks like we have a stalker

When i heard her i already felt that this is my last day at nevermore.


Wednesday:What are you doing?

Y/n:I was just...admiring the flowers

Wednesday:Or you were admiring me

Y/n:No, never

Wednesday:Thing says otherwise


Wednesday:The hand

Y/n:Wait, this hand actually talks?

Wednesday:He makes some signs to be understood, its a way for him to talk. But it doesn't matter. Tell me, why are you stalking me?

Y/n:Just because i was close to you it doesn't mean i was stalking you

Wednesday:Then how i just find you being in the same area as me all the time? I even see you at night walking outside trying not to be seen


Wednesday:I don't think so. I have 3 ideas why are you doing this. 1.you're a perv, 2.you're the monster in the woods, 3.you are here because of the monster and think one of the students is the one

Did i just got caught? By her? She is smarter than it seems.

Y/n:Fine, you're right

Wednesday:So which?

Y/n:I hate creatures like you and i will never have an interest sexually or romantically in you. What do you think?

Wednesday:So it's the 3rd one, good to know

Y/n:So what are you gonna do?

Wednesday:Nothing, with a condition

Y/n:What is it?

She then takes a piece of paper showing me a drawing with some fire, a tall guy and a girl that kinda looks like her.

Wednesday:That night i wanted to run away but i saw Rowan going into the woods so i followed him. Rowan actually attacked me with his psychokinesis and tried to kill me when that monster came and killed him and then ran away in the woods. He had this piece of paper that his mother drew before she died and that girl in the drawing is supposed to be me thinking i am the reason this happens and i need to stop whatever is happening

Y/n:So why are you telling me this?

Wednesday:Even i need sometimes help, so i want you to be my partner in help me with solving this case

Y/n:And what if i don't want to?

Wednesday:Then you're gonna be expelled because you were stalking me, and i don't think you want that

Y/n:But if i tell the police that you tried to run away?

Wednesday:Then i will tell that i found out about your little secret. And if you try to escape from my control i will tell the entire school that you are a fake friend suspecting them for murder

Y/n:Wow, you're really a smartass

Wednesday:Say that again and i will wash the floor with your hair

Y/n:Calm down, fine, i'll do it


Y/n:Let's shake hands

Wednesday:No, who knows what you did with that hand

Y/n:I told you, i'm a spy, not a perv

Wednesday:You still can be both

Y/n:Ugh. Whatever, give me your phone number so we can talk

Wednesday:I don't have a phone

Y/n:Seriously? Just say that you don't want to give it to me

Wednesday:I'm serious, i don't like to be controlled by all these applications and websites

Y/n:You sound like a grandma. Are you actually only 16?

Wednesday:To your surprise i am.

Y/n:Other girls are obsessed with the phone?

Wednesday:I know, i live with Enid in the same room, she's obsessed. Oh, and don't compare me with those girls

Y/n:Okay,i get it lady different

Wednesday:Are you sure you want to continue living?

Y/n:I guess, why?

Wednesday:Because of the way you are talking sounds like you want me to kill you. Believe me that i can, I was beheading my dolls when I was little

Y/n:Ok, i will shut up

Wednesday:Oh, and keep the conversations with the sheriff more private. You had luck i was the only one who heard it


Wednesday:Thanks for caring for me, but i am not a little girl, we are the same age after all

The spy (Wednesday Addams x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now