Chapter One: When First Our Eyes Meet

Start from the beginning

Her eyes skimmed past him, then back, capturing his gaze. This was his chance, so he smiled a slow, sexy smile. She looked a little startled, then smiled back. Just then one of the neighbors said something to her, forcing her to turn her eyes back to her right. Her gaze darted back just once, letting him know that he wasn’t forgotten. That was enough for him. He took a step in that direction before someone near the custom built shelving on the wall began tapping on a glass.

 He looked up, surprised to see that the teenagers now commanded the front of the room. He looked back toward the group, only to see that the woman was nowhere to be found. Frustration seethed inside. Did they have to choose this moment to make an announcement?

Some man who looked to be barely into his twenties, with hair in a shade of red that was definitely not found in nature, and various piercings held the floor. “First of all, I just want to say that the Wyndhams know how to throw a party!” He paused, as the crowd gave their vocal appreciation. “On a more serious note, I also want to make sure that we recognize the importance of this occasion. I know that we’ve already done the cake and candles thing, but I have to say that not only has Kitty Wyndham been blessed with another year, but we’ve all been blessed to continue to have her in our lives.”

A chorus of “Aw’s” and “Here, here’s!” ensued until he raised his hands for quiet.

Gabriel was still wondering who this Kitty was. The only Wyndham who lived on this street was Aaliyah.

“Now, everybody knows that she wrote the grants to keep our community center alive. However, we’re going to tell you all a little secret that we’ve been holding back. One of the best students in my Hip Hop class at the rec. center is none other than Kitty Wyndham.” Then, when the incredulous remarks were over, he smiled wickedly, “She started for the cardio and stayed for the love. So, without further ado, we’d like say happy birthday to Kitty Kat our way. Hit it, Cassie!” he said, nodding to a girl about his age, standing near the sound system that controlled the speaker system.

The kids started gesturing for everyone else to clear a space and pulled a reluctant Kitty onto the floor. It was the same woman he’d flirted with earlier. Suddenly, the familiar, driving beats of Fifty Cent’s “In The Club” came across the speakers, and everyone on the floor was transformed. As the artist said, “Go Shawty! It’s your birthday! We’re gon’ party like it’s your birthday,” everyone, including Kitty, began to dance. Kitty seemed to be competing against the redheaded boy. He was wild and uncontrolled, while she was all leashed passion and precision.

Before the song was half over they began pulling others onto the floor. As he jockeyed for position, trying to get closer to Kitty, Gabriel noticed that he wasn’t the only man trying to do the same, and not all of them were single. Suddenly, he wondered what he thought he could do when he got to her. He was too old for clubs, and he had certainly never considered taking a class that meant making a fool out of himself in front of a bunch of kids half his age. He hesitated but, following her smile, saw Lucas Delessandro closing in and he just couldn’t let it go. Gabriel reached out and caught her hand. Her head whipped around.

“My dance, I believe?”

“Okay,” she smiled, hearing the music change to a funky salsa beat. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

What he had was Salsa. Thankfully, she was also familiar with it. As he spun her around and brought her in close, she felt a breathless sense of wonder. What could have brought about this sudden change? This couldn’t be the same cold-eyed stranger, who had ignored her friendly overtures, only to smile and flirt with a man-eater like Candace Manning. It just wasn’t possible. Yet, it was happening.

At the end of the song, he held her bent over his arm in a rather dramatic dip. He stared at her lips with such heat that she knew he was going to kiss her, but just as his head began to descend he froze, as the applause from the other guests began to register. Apparently, they’d put on quite a show, with a ring forming around them in the crowd. Instead of the kiss she’d anticipated, Gabriel brought her up with a flourish and twirled her to his side. They both took a bow.

Now that the show was over, everyone began to drift back toward their groups and he turned to introduce himself, trying to figure out a way that he could get to know her better in this crowd, but she beat him to the punch.

“After all that dancing, I am seriously parched. Why don’t we get something to drink and find a cool place to sit down?”

He agreed, following her through the crowd until she reached the bar that had been set up in one corner.

“A bottle of your finest sparkling cider, please,” she said with a smile.

“And two glasses,” he added.

While they waited his stomach gave a growl, and he spotted a selection of food on a nearby table. Making a quick excuse, he darted over to fill a plate with several meaty hors d’eouvres, grapes, pineapple slices and strawberries. As an afterthought he drizzled chocolate over the strawberries, then grabbed a stack of napkins and turned back toward the bar. Derrick was standing there with Kitty and another woman he didn’t recognize.

When he’d rejoined them, Derrick made the introductions.

“I see that you two have already met, and this is Sophia Randall, my future wife.”

She hit him in the arm. “I told you that we haven’t been dating long enough to know that.”

I told you that I know when it’s right. God knew what he was doing when he sent a beautiful woman like you to work that case.” She blushed.


“And he cooks, too,” added Kitty with a teasing smile. Then, in a loud stage whisper, “Please take him off our hands. We’ve been trying to get rid of him for years.”

“All right, Kitty. Just for that, you are expelled from the family.”

“You mean, I finally get to stop admitting that we’re related?” she shot back.

“Keep it up. You know that I’m staying here, tonight.”

They all laughed at what was obviously a well-worn exchange of barbs.

In the meantime, Gabriel was experiencing the most acute sense of relief. Derrick was a Wyndham already, so Aaliyah…. Wait a minute. Why did that even matter? He was here with Kitty.

“Anyway, we’re getting off the subject,” Derrick was saying. “Sophia Randall, this is Gabriel Cortez, from next door. He’s the one you’ve wanted to talk to about the break-in.”

After accepting his invitation to call him Gabriel, she eyed the plate and the bottled cider, tactfully declaring, “Tomorrow is soon enough to talk business. You probably had a long trip back, so just enjoy yourself for now. Your assistant has my number and, if you have any other problems, Kitty knows how to get in touch with me.” With that, she steered Derrick away from the couple.

After several interruptions, they were able to make their way to a semi-private corner alcove. They were further screened from the crowd by an enormous potted plant and a decorative pillar. As he began to seat himself she said, “Don’t.” She was looking intently at the crowd, and seemed to be waiting for something.

People were looking at them with too much interest, and Aaliyah didn’t want anyone who didn’t already know the layout of the house to be able to find them easily. Mr. Chang helped by bumping into a waiter, who promptly dropped his thankfully empty silver tray. The resulting noise captured everyone’s attention, and Aaliyah immediately activated the hidden latch to open a concealed panel in the wall at the side of the alcove. She waved him through, quickly following and shutting the door quietly behind her.

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