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It was the next morning. And Shockwave was starting to wake up. He slowly got up and was shocked. "What," he whispered. He walked over and saw me still a sparkling but I was slowly almost growing back to my normal size. "It must be taking a while for your normal size to return." He said to himself.

I started waking up when I saw my sparkmate. But I felt weird. I looked down and saw myself as a sparkling but I was talking like one. "Shocky, I feel weird." Shockwave turned and walked over. He lifted you up. "I know it's you, my love. But you are slowly returning to your normal size." I growled at him. "My dear don't." He walked over and lifted the bottle up and gave it to me. "Tank you. I still luv you." Shockwave chuckled. "I love you too, sweet spark."

Starscream was walking. His helm still aches and his body still aches from the torture he received from Lord Megatron. He walked and approached Shockwave's doors to his lab. Shockwave was working and still taking care of you until he heard his doors open. He turned and he immediately growled. "Starscream, leave now. I don't want to punch or rip out your circuits because of what I have right now." Shockwave said to Starscream giving him a warning. "A sparkling." Starscream said being in shock seeing a sparkling, and surprised that his master hasn't offlined it yet.

Shockwave sat you down. He whispered to you. "I'll be right back sweet spark." Shockwave got up and walked towards Starscream pushing him out. "Hey, watch what you are doing. I'll have you know that my wings are delicate." Starscream said to Shockwave. "Oh please. Like we care, Starscream. Now leave or I will contact Lord Megatron." Starscream's eyes widened at what Shockwave had said. "PLEASE NO! NOT THAT!" Starscream said. He immediately ran out as fast as he could.

Megatron was in his quarters just waking up and stretching his back. He walked over and grabbed his pad and headed off to see how StellarWave is and also check on Laserbeak. Megatron walked out but slammed into someone. He shook his helm and immediately growled once he saw who it was. The figure he ran into was Starscream. Starscream looked up and immediately took off. Megatron watched him. "Worthless seeker. Why did I ever let you join my cause? I would or will never know the answer."

I was sitting down on the berth but I felt I was changing. "Shocky, I feel changing." Shockwave walked over and checked you over. He chuckled. "You should be back to normal in about 10 minutes or so." Soon his doors opened. "SHOCKWAVE!" Shockwave looked up and it was his master. "My Liege." Shockwave watched Megatron walking over. "Shockwave I thought you said she would be back to normal today." Megatron said to Shockwave. Angry that you are not back to your normal size. "My Liege, she will be back to normal in about 10 minutes." Shockwave said reassuring Megatron that you would be back to normal size. "You better hope so Shockwave. Or you'll never hear the end of it." I turned and saw Meggy. "Meggy. Hi Meggy. Teach Screamy a lesson. A good one." Megatron's eyes widened but soon he laughed. "Indeed I will, little one." Megatron said to you. Soon Megatron left and headed towards the throne room.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction StellarWaveWhere stories live. Discover now