15 - A Lesson in Devildom

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No one's POV

We see the farming village, with the heroes still trying to save everyone, when one of the villagers gets blasted by the Vengestone Guards, and starts to attack some of the others.

Ingenuim: RECIPRO BURST!!!

Ingenium then rushes at some of the Vengestone Guards and kicks them where there's no crystals, and knock them back. However, they get back up, and before they can blast him, Shoto comes in and blocks it with his ice.

Shoto: Hey, don't rush in here! It's dangerous just being near these things!

Shoto tries to keep the Vengestone warriors at bay, but manages to fail, but right before the Vengestone Guards can touch them, Endeavor grabs Shoto and Ingenium.

Endeavor: Dammit, these things just keep coming!!

Endeavor then gets the two back to a safe area, and contacts Burnin.

Endeavor: How's the evacuation?

Burnin: Got everyone we can who hasn't been turned! But I don't think *static*

Endeavor: Burnin, can you hear me?

After a bit of Endeavor trying to get online with Burnin, she gets back on.

Burnin: Sorry sir! My comm suddenly went on the fritz when I got close to that temple!

Endeavor: So the temple can drain electrical circuits... That's a problem in and of itself.

Suddenly, Elegant Fox's voice is heard through the communicator, shocking everyone.

Elegant Fox: Can everyone hear me? I don't want a response, but if you can, and evacuations have been finished, head back to the police station. We've got to discuss a new strategy, now!!!


We now see all the heroes back at the Police Station, with members of the Hero Public Safety Commission there as well, as Naomasa beginning to speak.

Naomasa: *sigh* Elegant Fox. I understand our need to change strategy, but we now know that floating fortress will render communication lines and vehicles powerless. We don't have a way to stop them.

Everyone looks down, as Elegant Fox speaks up.

Elegant Fox: Not quite. Me and Atomic Girl have discovered that our enemies, do in fact, have a weakness. They may be impervious to our Quirks, true, but not to Devil Power.

This does gain everyone's attention, as they are very confused.

Elegant Fox: This is, believe it or not, humanity's second go around in this world. We were blessed with these supernatural abilities, what we know as Quirks. But we weren't given the power of a true devil. The Power of Destruction.

HPSC Member 1: And how exactly do you know about all this?

As if on cue, Sirzechs walks in, along with his wife and son.

Sirzechs: She learned it through me and my family.

Everyone turns around to see them walking in.

Elegant Fox: This is Sirzechs. During Y/n's first time, he was a Devil King. We saw him use the Power of destruction against Y/n's warriors. And unlike Quirks, not only was it not suppressed, they were actually destroyed. And Naomi... Is related to him, meaning she is part devil.

Deku: I see!! If Naomi can unlock this power, we might have a chance!!

Kinori: I don't know... You sure you want to do this, Naomi?

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