The scene then changes to a young Millicas talking with the Faction leaders, with many of them having shocked looks on their faces.

Sirzechs(Past): Millicas, how are you sure this isn't just some-

Millicas(Past): Because it felt to real to be a dream!

Millicas then runs out the door, tearing up, as his father won't listen to him.

Odin(Past): Sirzechs, I understand that you want to put the actions Y/n and his warriors did in the past, but if what your son said was true, then history will simply repeat itself again.

Azazel(Past): Odin makes a point. You don't want to lose your son, right?

Sirzechs(Past): You're right... I don't want to lose him, but... I don't want to interfere with human lives again. It'll only cause more trouble... or even create more people that are just like or even worse than what Y/n had become.

As a powerful silence fills the room, due to everyone agreeing with what Sirzechs said, as it was due to their actions that caused Y/n to destroy humanity in the first place.

Michael(Past): So we can all agree that we don't want to interfere with human lives again, but how will they be able to fight Y/n without our help?

Serafall(Past): I have an idea! Why don't we pull a magical girl trope!

Everyone looks at Serafall confused, due to them not watching magical girl anime.

Azazel(Past): Serafall, explain in a way people can understand?

Serafall(Past): Give them powers, and so if Y/n does show up, they can stop 'em themselves!!

*End of Flashback*

Elegant Fox: Hold on... If I'm hearing you right... the reason Quirks were created in the first place, was to stop-

Before Elegant Fox could finish her question, the doorbell rings.

Millicas: Alright, finally!

Millicas then heads to the front door, and opens it to see a delivery man.

Millicas: Hey man! What happened to your 20-minute guarantee?

Deliveryman: Sorry about that young man, we're kinda booked all night.

Millicas: I... guess that is normal.

Millicas then pays the man, and heads back in with his dinner.

Elegant Fox: Okay, now to finish my question you're saying that the reason Quirks were created in the first place was to stop Y/n in case he did return?

Millicas: Yeah...

Naomi: Then if you had the feeling Y/n would return, why didn't you tell anyone!!!

Sirzechs: *sigh* Because I wanted to be left alone and enjoy life with my son and wife! I knew that if someone knew, they'd come looking for us to save their lives.

Naomi: *screams in anger* Unbelievable! What are we even still doing here? We don't need their help!!!

Elegant Fox: I'm afraid we do, Naomi. Since Y/n has your sister wrapped around his palm, we won't be able to-

Millicas: Sister?

Elegant Fox: Yes. Naomi has an older sister, and Y/n is using her to help with his plan.

Sirzechs: *sigh* Even if that is the case, that is her decision to make, not mine.

Naomi: *sarcastically* Great! Well, thanks for nothing!! *back to normal* Let's get the hell out of here. I never want to see their faces ever again.

As Naomi leaves, with anger leaking out of her, Sirzechs thinks back to how he treated the aftermath of Y/n. However, his thoughts are interrupted, when a giant blast hits the apartment, and destroying much of the area. Naomi and Elegant Fox then come running back in and see the Vengestone warriors.

Naomi: Oh great, they're already here!

Elegant Fox: Looks like we don't have much of a choice! Time to-

Sirzechs: No.

Naomi, Elegant Fox, and Millicas are both shocked when he says this. Sirzechs then sighs, and says one thing.

Sirzechs: *GIF Below* I said I never wanted to make someone like Y/n, but I now realize all of my actions have done that... I will correct that here and now!

Sirzechs then sprouts his wings, and flies out, and as Vengestone warriors approach him, he uses his Power of Destruction to annihilate them, which Elegant Fox notices

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Sirzechs then sprouts his wings, and flies out, and as Vengestone warriors approach him, he uses his Power of Destruction to annihilate them, which Elegant Fox notices.

Elegant Fox: *gasps* That power... Millicas! Can relatives/siblings of your father, including who you mentioned as, "Aunt Rias," able to use this power?

Millicas: Yes, they- *gasps* Are you saying what I think you are?

Elegant Fox: I am. Naomi. If you are related to Millicas and Sirzechs, then that would mean you have the same power as they do.

Naomi then gasps, as she starts to understand exactly what she means.

Naomi: Are you saying...?

Elegant Fox: If we're thinking the same thing, then yes. If we want to be able to defeat Y/n's Vengestone Warriors... You must embrace your Devil Side.

To Be Continued...

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