"I agree, do you mind if I took a sample?" Mobius asked him.

"No." Karna immediately replied.

Then he got his hand out of Himeko's grip and pulled his glove over it and sat in his seat.

"You can't talk about that when I give you guys a break. Now let's go back to watching." Lugia said to them.

The others went back and sat in their seats. But the other's were still looking at him. Sakura was skeptical of him. Kiana wanted to get him away from her senpai. Sirin wanted to know how he did it.

"It hasn't gotten worse so it's good for now." Karna said to himself as he looked at his hand.

He then covered it with his glove again and he looked around. He then looked at the sky and then at the school roof when he saw something at the top. He became curious and squinted his eyes and managed to see what it was and his eyes widened.

"My God." Karna said with an appalled look.

On the roof, Raiden Mei was standing at the edge of the roof over the rails as she was looking down.

"What! Mei senpai what do you think you're doing!?" Kiana shouted in no time.

She wasn't the only one as the other Valkyrie's were also appalled by what she is about to do. Elysia, Eden and Aponia also had worried looks on their faces. Fu Hua just looked seriously. Since she knew about Mei being the host of a Herrscher she was having a neutral look at her. HoS was also looking at her neutrally.

The ones from Anti-Entropy were looking seriously. Siegfried looked sympathetically at the girl along with Cecilia, Himeko and Theresa. Otto wasn't bothered unlike Kallen who was worried for her. Sirin and her subordinates didn't much care as they wanted the Herrscher to manifest as soon as possible.

"Oi oi kid are you serious!? You shouldn't do something like that." Karna said to Mei alarmed.

"Shut up. You don't know anything about me." Mei coldly said to him.

"Doesn't mean I can't say it." Karna said to her.

Mei didn't answer and just looked ahead not wanting to be in eye contact with him. Karna looked at her but seeing that she wasn't going to budge sighed and looked at the screen after glancing at HoT one more time to see that she had an impassive face.

"Hey hey are you serious. She isn't actually thinking about committing suicide is she. A kid her age shouldn't even be thinking about things like that!" Karna said alarmed as he looked wide eyed at her.

"See, even my future self agrees." Karna said to her.

Mei just gripped her armrest and didn't respond. Karna was getting worried for her and it showed in the form of his worried look. Mei saw the expression and turned away from him.

Meanwhile Kiana was being restrained by her parents from getting to her.

Karna watched with wide eyes as he saw Mei look down. Then she jumped as her body left the roof. Karna seeing this kneeled a bit and then as if in response to his action the Honkai energy in his hand spread from his hand to his body except the neck and face as he grit his teeth.

That was when the video ended.

"Wait what happened!?" Kiana shouted.

"That's the end of this one." Lugia said to her.

"What did you do just now? The Honkai energy spread through your body." Otto asked him.

"Yeah, I've never seen anything like that." HoS said as she looked at him.

"Yes human, how did you do it?" Bella asked him.

The others were also interested in knowing about it as they looked at him. Karna seeing their gazes just shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't actually know the specifics. I just do." Karna said to them.

The others didn't seem to be convinced but since he didn't seem to want to talk they knew they couldn't actually get it out of him. Bella was angry at how Karna answered her question but Sirin stopped her as she decided to stay her hand.

"Well, let's start with the second episode." Lugia said with a smile.

End Chapter

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