Chapter 3: Ship Wreck

Start from the beginning

"Guys... I think there's a boat down there," Pope said.

"Shut up," John B said.

"No way," Kiara said.

Evelyn walked next to Pope and looked down at the water.

"No guys, he's serious. There is a boat down there," Evelyn said.

"Let's go," Kiara said shimmying off her shorts.

Evelyn pulled off the shirt she was wearing, wincing as she brought her hand over her head.

"You think there's a dead body down there?" Pope asked as John B jumped into the water.

"Let's not be so morbid, Pope," Evelyn said before jumping into the water to join her friends.

"Get your ass in here," JJ yelled up at Pope.

The five friends dove down to examine the boat. Evelyn secretly hoped that they wouldn't find anyone inside. The water was dark but all Evelyn could see was a boat. Thankfully no dead bodies. The group of friends came to the surface, gasping for air.

"You guys saw that, right?" JJ asked.

"Yeah," Pope said.

"Yeah, I did," Evelyn agreed.

"That's a Grady-White," JJ said, "A new one of those is like 500 Gs, easy."

Evelyn swam back to the boat pulling herself onto it along with her friends.

"That's a primo rig," JJ said still going on about the boat.

"Yeah. That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge," John B said, "Maybe it hit the jetty or something."

"You did what?" Evelyn asked.

"You surfed the surge?" Kiara said at the same time.

"That's my boy. Pogue style," JJ said.

"You guys really are just asking for death," Evelyn said.

"Do we know who's boat that is?" Pope asked.

"No, but we're about to find out," John B said.

"Dude, it's too deep" JJ said looking down at the boat.

"Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ," John B said pulling out the anchor.

"Well, I'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear up front," JJ said.

"Yeah count me out too," Evelyn agreed.

"That's fine," John B said.

"John B," Kiara protested.

"Diver down, fool," Pope said.

"Diver down," John B said saluting his friends.

"Yeah he is," JJ said pushing him.

"JJ!" Evelyn said smacking his arm.

"What?" the boy exclaimed making Evelyn roll her eyes and lean to look at the water.

"You know I could so get use to this view," JJ smirked.

Evelyn looked back at JJ who was staring down at her ass, "You are such a pig."

"Yeah, JJ. That's disgusting," Kiara agreed.

"What?" JJ shrugged, "I'm just being honest."

"Should we go get him?" Pope asked looking into the water.

As if on cue, John B came out of the water coughing and gasping for air.

"Oh my God. That took forever!" Kiara said.

"Any dead bodies?" Pope asked.

"Looting potential?" JJ asked.

"Is that all you ever think about?" Evelyn asked looking at the boy beside her.

"That's not all I think about," JJ smirked as his eyes traveled down her body.

"Get off it JJ," Evelyn said shoving the boy.

"That's what she said," JJ smirked, "One day you'll give me a chance."

"No," John B said before Evelyn could even reply, "I found this motel key."

"A key?" Pope asked.

"Yeah, a key, Pope," John B said.

"Great! We salvaged a motel key," JJ said.

"Guys we should report the wreck to the coast guard," Evelyn said.

"Maybe we'll get a finders fee," Kiara added.

"Yeah and not work all summer," JJ said, "Thanks, Agatha, ya batch."

When the group went to report the wreck there was people everywhere. Pope, Kiara, and Evelyn stayed outside while John B and JJ went inside.

"JJ was really hitting on you today," Kiara said.

"When doesn't he hit on me," Evelyn said rolling her eyes.

"I think you guys would be cute together," Kiara said making Evelyn look at her friend.

"Kiara. You can't be serious?" Evelyn said.

"Evelyn. I am serious," Kiara said.

"What about no Pogue-on-Pogue macking," Evelyn said.

"Ehh. There is sometimes exceptions to the rule," Kiara said.

"Oh like you and John B," Evelyn said making Kiara sigh.

"We already went over this last night. There is nothing between John B and I and I've never macked on him," Kiara said.

"Doesn't mean you don't want to," Evelyn said.

Before Kiara could say anything else John B and JJ and made their way back.

"So?" Evelyn asked.

"It's a mad house in there," John B said, "There is no way we're gonna talk to someone."

"So what's the plan now?" JJ asked.

"I think I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat," John B said holding up the motel key.

"No, no. We don't know whose room that is. It could be anyone," Pope said.

"I'm in," JJ said grabbing the keys and throwing them to Kiara.

"Come on. I'll be lookout," Kiara said.

"Finders fee. Just sayin'," John B said, "And hey, at least you'll only be an accomplice."

"Man," Pope said making eye contact with Evelyn.

"Come on bubba," Evelyn said looping her arm with Pope's and dragging him toward their friends.

A Foot In Both Worlds| JJ Maybank|Topper ThorntonWhere stories live. Discover now