The Boy in the Magazing pt1

18 1 0

Top- Keith
Bottom- Lance
Au- Celebrity

Third Person POV

"Alright!Alright! Set is done,cast is cast, everyone has gotten pretty and- where is he?! He was supposed to be here half an
hour ago!"

Keith watched as his director barked out his checklist and paced back and forth in frustration due to the missing mystery actor. Keith rolled is eyes. It was always the newbies causing havoc. It was
just so typical, always, always the new ones, the babies to acting that screwed things up. He had a feeling this was going to destroy the show despite the fact that
it hadn't even aired yet but there was a lot of hype surrounding the release. Keith could not have dirt thrown on his name, he would not stand for it. Not because of
one new guy being late, he was already pissed off. But that would soon change

"I'm heeeere~" a sing song voice came and Keith turned to see. his director greeting them joyously.

"Lance! Ah thank goodness you're here! And on time!" He cheered and Keith scoffed.

But then he saw, sun-kissed copper skin soft brown hair with just the slightest curls at the ends, beautiful sea blue eyes and a perfect slim figure to match. Keith's draw almost dropped. No way, no way it was him. The boy from the magazine, the ones he jerked off to more times than he
could count, that boy was right in front of in the him. It was that same cute brunette, he was speechless.

"Ah of course, wouldn't miss it for the world, I'll just go get pretty for my scenes and read the script" he waltzed off to his dressing room with his crew asKeith stood in astonishment.

He quickly regained his composure and thankfully
no one had been paying him any attention or noticed his reaction
As Lance 'got pretty' everything was finalised and everyone was ready. For the first episode Lance wore a cute water colour like floral tank top that was a light blue with white flowers and some cute short shorts. His character was a struggling artist he dropped out of
everything to pursue art and was selling his work at a cute little stall in Paris. His character Leo Hayes was a cute, bubbly, kind and outgoing character, much like
the actor himself. Keith's however was quite the opposite, he was the dark and mysterious type. Dressed in a dark suit, hair tied back slightly and his character was called Kira Marmora and he was an elite crime lord, running a gang of thieves and he was broody, rude and cold. In the first episode these two would cross paths. He'd see
Leo's talent and try to recruit him, taking him through a thrilling day of mystery and mayhem that ended in him taking his hand and accepting his offer to join his
team. They shot it well and Lance was better than he expected and he received all the praise from
their surrounding team members. Keith did not. Much like his character he was cold to Lance to hide his attraction, no matter how irresistible. He went off on his own separate way and didn't talk to him all week. He even made
sure to avoid interviews with him, the last thing he needed was for this show to start some sexual scandal. But as the weeks turned to months Keith saw more and more lines between him and Lance. Their characters Leo and Kira were constantly bickering and butting heads. Leo wanted to prove his worth and play a bigger part and Kira wanted to keep his control over everything. It was constant arguing but sometimes it
was playful, creating this will they/won't they romance for fans. It was in one of.these scenes that Keith nearly lost his composure. The two were at it once more,
Keith sat in the office of his character and he was to sit in the chair and act as if he was ignoring Lance and his ranting.

"Why Kira, I'm always on the sidelines and never in the action. I'm part of this team too. You recruited me yourself!" He
received an eye-roll.

"Don't make me regret that Leo" he said it sternly as Lance huffed

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