"Look you, Jesus. Look at you," Louis whispers. "Liam, fuck." He's between Liam's knees, now, ghosting kisses over his belly. His tongue comes out to drag over the skin of Liam's hipbone and Liam thinks he might cry.

"Fuck, where's the fucking lube," Louis mutters. "Liam, can I," he says, finally, finallypalming Liam's cock, and Liam's knees come up of their own accord.

"Oh," Liam moans. God, it's good; God, he's going to die if Louis doesn't give him something more than that. "Louis, please." Louis makes a strangled noise, and when Liam opens his eyes Lou's got his free hand clenched around the base of his own dick.

"The fucking death of me," Louis says, reverent. His wet fingers come back to Liam, stroking his dick a few times before they slide down behind his balls, shit, yes. Louis always liked to make Liam insane, and evidently that hasn't changed: he's just rubbing the cool, slick pads of his fingers in gentle circles over Liam's hole until Liam's entire body feels like it's an inch from combusting.

"Lou," Liam whines. He's always been good at holding back, at getting his partners off first, but all he can think about now is getting Louis the fuck inside him.

"Yeah?" Louis asks. He slowly presses in, one finger and then another, and Liam lets his legs splay out as he clings onto the sheets and tries not to fly away.

Louis's swearing -- vulgar gibberish and Liam doesn't care, doesn't care about anything as long as Louis doesn't fucking stop -- and his fingers are working into Liam harder and harder, crooking against his prostate until Liam's vision flickers. It's like they never stopped, or like they've just been waiting to get back to this; he can't believe he's spent the last four years not having incredible, brain-melting sex. He must be an idiot. He's certainly an idiot now: Louis's fingers feel impossibly large inside him, every thrust shutting down another section of his brain until Louis presses his thumb hard just behind Liam's cock and Liam's world goes white.

It's possible that he yells, or curses, or dies and is brought back to life. Any of that is possible. All he's really sure of is floating back to reality to find Louis kissing him, insistent soft shaky touches over his ribs and chest.

"Hnh," Liam says, sort of. Louis's still sliding very gently in and out of him, and it feels so, so good.

"You're so fucking hot," Louis groans. Liam's glad to hear it, given that he had no choice in the matter. "You're so fucking hot, how the hell," and then Louis's hand is gone.

Liam opens his eyes as Louis's rolling the condom on, and Jesus Christ, he's been too far gone to really look at him until now. He's a little taller than he used to be, maybe, and he's got a bit more muscle under his skin and about a hundred more tattoos.

"When -- what are all those from?" Liam slurs, curiosity overtaking him. Louis gives him what would be a withering glare if he wasn't naked and holding his dick.

"I seriously just --" Louis sputters. "You didn't notice?"

"Shut up, come here," Liam says. He's feeling substantially less frantic now he's come so hard that he lost time, but Louis hasn't and there's also the very important fact that Liam's barely even gotten to touch him.

He hoists himself up on his elbows, pulling Louis down to kiss him as Lou lines himself up, and then he's pushing in and oh, oh God, Liam's never getting enough of this.

Yes, is all he can think as Louis folds down over him, his hips picking up a rhythm that's making Liam's gut clench even though he just came. "God, I've --" Liam starts. God, I've missed your cock, his brain suggests, blindsided. Yeah, he's not saying that.

"What's that," Louis says, his breath hot against Liam's ear -- it's too much, Liam can feel the familiar heat coiling in his stomach, oh God. "What," Louis gasps doggedly; Liam doesn't know how he's even still talking. "God, you've -- never come -- so hard?" Louis asks, levering up to grin down at Liam, eyes glinting with mischief, and Liam's head rolls back against the pillows. "God you've," Louis's mouth falls open. "Liam," he moans, blessedly, briefly unable to make a sentence. "Liam, what," he persists, and fine: Liam grabs Louis's shoulders and rolls them.

Like A Hole In The Head → [Lilo] ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora