Angriest Rant about 2022

Start from the beginning

These are the two things that literally get under my skin. Hating people because of someone else's religion and sexuality is a no no! Please respect someone no matter what they are.

#7: Mass shootings Galore

OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! This is the thing that pisses me off!! THIS YEAR WE HAVE OVER 600 MASS SHOOTINGS!! The highest one was in 2021 with 690 mass shootings! People are being killed by gun violence everywhere!! It's like you can't even go anywhere anymore! You can't even go to the grocery store, go to school, a nightclub or any other place without hearing someone being killed. These shootings have really made me so angry and so pissed off! We are in 2022 and NOTHING HAS CHANGED!! Now besides the Club Q shooting, there are more shootings that have pissed me off and let me say it again. VIDEO GAMES, VIOLENT MOVIES, RAP MUSIC OR EVEN HEAVY METAL MUSIC DOESN'T CAUSE THOSE PROBLEMS!! IT'S MENTAL HEALTH AND THE FUCKING GUNS! Now before I may continue, I have not one but 4 particular shootings that made me very sad and at the same time angry. Here are the shootings that made me sad and angry.

1. Buffalo Tops Shooting: The shooting at Tops Grocery store have infuriated me so much! This white supremacist who is 18 years old have shot and killed 10 black people within the store plus he was planning to kill more in Buffalo, New York. Thankfully the shooter is arrested, and I hope he goes to jail for a long time and gets beaten to a fucking pulp! If you don't who are the victims are, please look at my horror parent scenario book where I made an angry rant on it. As for the 10 beautiful victims who are killed, may they all rest in peace and watch over their families in heaven above.

2. Robb Elementary School Shooting: This happened 10 days later after the Buffalo shooting and this one happened at an elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Another 18-year-old have shot and killed CHILDREN AT A FUCKING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!! 19 beautiful kids and 2 fourth grade teachers have been killed at the hands of this piece of shit MONSTER! What even gets me angrier is how the Police Department responded. Let me explain. They have waited over an hour doing nothing while those poor kids are being shot and killed, they have used excessive force even when the parents are telling them to go in there to confront the shooter, they didn't know that the kids are alive even though the kids along with the teachers have called 911 numerous times, picking up their own children rather than saving the ones who were supposed to save and finally they have handcuffed Angeli Rose Gomez, a mother who drove 40 miles to get her children out of the school which she convinced someone to get the handcuffs off of her, and marched into the school and got her kids out safe and sound. The Uvalde PD are COWARDS AND FAILURES!!! Here's the part where it gets sadder. Joe Garcia is the husband of his wife Irma Garcia have passed away 2 days later after suffering a heart attack caused by grief. He died from a broken heart cause by the grief he have suffered from the loss of his true love. A Texas Funeral home have offered free services for the families who lost their children and their 2 teachers and a very nice man who is an artist name Trey Ganem who worked at Soulshine Industries which is a casket business have made caskets in many beautiful designs to honor the kids. No parent should bury their own child from this horrible tragedy. To the 21 people who have passed, may you all rest in Peace in heaven above. As for the shooter, MAY YOU BURN IN HELL YOU SORRY ASS PIECE OF SHIT AND SATAN WILL TORTURE YOUR ASS!

3. Highland Park Shooting: This one happened on July 4, 2022 at a parade within Chicago and the shooter has shot and killed 7 people and it's really heartbreaking and the saddest one of the victims who were killed were Kevin McCarthy who is 37 years old and 35-year-old Irina McCarthy. They were watching the parade along with their son 2-year-old Aiden McCarthy and after when the shooter shot the parents, Aiden was shielded by his dad as his dad was dying from blood loss before wandering around covered in blood saying, 'Mama and dada come get me soon'. This poor little boy now have to live with his grandparents as an orphan. The fact that this young and defenseless little boy will have to live without his parents is very sad and heartbreaking. The shooter is arrested along with his scummy father, and I hope that they are in prison for the rest of their lives.

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