Angriest Rant about 2022

Start from the beginning

#4: Thailand Daycare Attack in Nong Bua Lamphu, Thailand

This one break my heart so much and it makes me very, very sad. On October 6th, 2022, a 35-year-old ex-cop have killed people in a daycare center in Nong Bua Lamphu, Thailand around lunchtime have killed 36 people, 24 of them are children within the daycare center and 13 adults. The children are between the ages of 2 to 5 years old and one of the adults was a female teacher who works at the daycare and was 8 months pregnant! ONE MONTH AWAY FROM GIVING BIRTH TO HER BEAUTIFUL BABY!! Now what's even sadder is that after when the cops have placed the bodies of the 24 children that were killed in a couple of Buddhist temples to their parents, many of them have collapsed in tears, some have fainted and some have wailed and screamed in sadness, not being able to hold their children anymore. My heart breaks for the people in Thailand in this terrible tragedy. After when that ex-cop killed the people within the daycare, he killed his wife, his son and then himself. To the 36 victims who have passed in this horrible tragedy especially the 24 beautiful children, may God wrap his loving arms around you in heaven above. As for the scummy shooter, MAY YOU ROT IN THE FIERY PITS OF HELL AND SATAN ALONG WITH THE OTHER DEMONS WILL TORTURE YOUR FUCKING ASS!!

#5: Iran

Iran is in a very difficult situation, and it all started with 22-year-old Masha Amini who is killed by morality police. The reason why she was assaulted? For not covering her hair with hijab. Many Iranian women and men have taken to the streets and protested and make their voices heard especially the soccer team who have refused to sing the Iranian national anthem. Now Iranian women have been assaulted by guards in jail and now Iran have done public executions as a 'message' to protesters and even killed 400 protesters. My God I hope the Iranian women are ok. Keep making your voice heard!!

#6: Antisemitic and LGBT hate

Where do I even fucking begin with this one? Now those two I am going to talk about those two in both the numbers and not in bold because these two are under my skin literally.

1. Antisemitism is just really disgusting to me. First Asians are being hated and now JEWISH PEOPLE!!! First off, I love people no matter what religion they are. I don't even care if you are Jewish, Pagan, Buddhist, Wiccan, Atheist, Jehovah Witness, Muslim, or even Satanist! As long as you respect me, I respect you. If you insult my religion or anyone else's religion in a very rude way, then I'm sorry we can't be pals. Now the reason I am saying this is because people need to respect other people no matter what religion they are. Jewish people have been assaulted by Neo-Nazis constantly and yes and even certain government officials have been attacking Jews due to conspiracy theories. Yes even rapper Kanye West have been saying really disgusting stuff which I won't say, and I say please look up at the rockstars condemning him online and the Neo-Nazis are just defending him. Now I'm going to say this, WE SHOULDN'T SAY ANY HATE TOWARDS ANYONE NO MATTER WHAT RELIGION THEY ARE ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG!! LEARN TO RESPECT SOMEONE'S RELIGION!

2. LGBT hate is increasing, and I am so fucking serious. Look I love people within the LGBT community plus I have friends when I was in college, and they are a part of the LGBT community. I even have colleagues at my job, and I respect them as they told me their love lives as they are also a part of the LGBT community. Plus if any of you followers are gay, bi, lesbian, trans, non-binary, pan, asexual, or even queer, I respect you since I am straight and understand your lifestyle. Now LGBT hate is increasing to dangerous levels! Drag Queens events have been cancelled because far right extremist are accusing them as 'groomers', businesses are being bombed for supporting people within the LGBT community and most importantly people have been saying homosexuality is a sin and I say Christians are saying that. Now let me say this, as a Catholic girl, I respect everyone no matter what sexuality they are because I am a decent and kind person. Now let's get to the actual meat of the LGBT hate. The Club Q shooting. On November 19 at 11:56PM, a 22-year-old man have opened fire at the event where they were hosting a drag show which is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He shot and killed 5 people and injured 25 more within the club before being subdued by three heroes and those heroes are a veteran by the name of Richard Fierro, Nave Seal Thomas James and a transgender woman who stomped the shooter with her heels. Two out of the five victims that were killed are transgenders and it was on Transgender Day of Remembrance. Many people have been praising the shooter responsible of this attack and it gets worse. A month after the shooting, the owner have been receiving hundreds of hate messages which included 'The shooter was doing God's work' and so many more. Plus, the hero Richard Fierro along with his family have been receiving hate messages similar to the ones that the owner is receiving. THIS HATE WILL NOT STAND!!! WHEN WILL THE PEOPLE REALIZE THAT LOVE IS LOVE NO MATTER WHAT SEXUALITY THEY ARE!!

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