Neet: He liked that....she thought
and did the thing again....this time on
purpose and was so satisfied by the he  slightly tilted his
head and again let out a cute purr like

Neet smiled and did that for few
more minutes before pulling back her

Arth: Why you stopped.....he pouted and  whined.

Neet: Does it happen before...she asked
in curiosity... curious to know about the effect.

Arth: first time...and i like it...he replied with a shy smile to which she cooed.

Neet: Then i will do it again...whenever
you want....she and he  happily clapped on hearing that.

Arth: Oh the food... You must be hungry...he pointed to box that was filled with aloo puris, fried chicken
pieces and some sweets...

Arth: I am sorry.....if they got mixed....he smiled sheepishly.

Neet just ruffled his hairs in response, taking a chicken piece. She took a bite and then placed the piece infront of his lips.

Neet: Let's eat together....

Neet: All these things....did your dad bought for you...she asked from him...
pointing to the previous stuff.

Arth:Nope...That pillow... Mom bought that for me before i born... and that blanket...bade papa and dada send that from America last year on my birthday...Snacks.... um...kaka usualy go to grocery shopping and he
bought that for me as dad is always
busy with work....he said with sad
smile and she felt the hidden pain
in his voice. But she wanted to feel the
happiness as he had given her.. his treasure.

They spend the time like that and both
felt happiness. Finally at the time
of sunset, he went back with a
promise to come again.

Next day,...he came again and found her waiting for him. He made her listen to the song that his mother recorded for him. He sang that song with his mother's voice and she could see the sparkling galaxies in his innocent eyes.

For some time, Neet felt a sense of
insecurity. She definitely don't want to be a beggar on streets. She needed some place to live as one night a drunk man was roaming on the road with glass bottle. She got scared and hid herself behind the huge tree...with the all stuff.

She wanted to go from there but at the
same time... She doesn't. She wanted to be with the small fluff ball of her happiness in the darkest days. The boy was giving her a new life in new way... She couldn't just left him like that.

Next day, she went to a public bathroom and at that moment Arth came to the park. When he couldn't found the her.., he burst into tears.. crying loudly for his Neet... When she was back, her heart clenched on the sight and that day she decided to keep the boy happy and to be with him..

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