19. Promises

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Selena's POV:

"Alright thanks. And You are staying with Rose right?"


"Okay good night!"

"Night. "

I ended the call and unlocked the door. As I entered my room, I could hear the sound of television in the bedroom.

"Y/N, I am so..." I trailed off when I saw him sitting on the bed as his head wad supporting the headrest and his eyes closed. He looked so cute. I would get him into a comfortable position without disturbing his sleep but he haven't eaten anything so that's important.
I gently shook him.
"Y/N, baby, wake up." I jolted him awake.

"Oh-Hey-I-Hi." He was still kind of sleepy and confused. I leaned closer and pressed my lips against his which made his eyes widened and washed away all the sleepiness.

"Hi." I said and giggled shyly, when I pulled back at his stunned reaction.

"Uhmm-Let's do that again.." He said and before I could think of anything, he pulled me in for another kiss. This was more passionate than the first one.

"I'm sorry I am late." I said and sat down between his legs as he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay. You are here now." He kissed my forehead. I felt so loved after a very long time. I missed this feeling and I don't want to lose this.

"Hey Sel, I wanted to talk to you." Y/N said.

"Go ahead, I'm listening." I started playing with his fingers.

"I bought you something." He said. His voice was low, maybe because he was nervous?

"Really? What?" I got up excitedly which kind of boosted his confidence. He stretched his arm to reach the night table. He opened the drawer and pulled out a box. I was so confused. He opened the box, revealing a very pretty ring.

"It is a promise ring

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"It is a promise ring." He said as he pulled out the ring. "Before I take this step, I wanna make sure if this is okay with you?" He asked shyly.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N! Yes please. This is more than okay." I said. My answer made him smile whole heartedly. He held my hand in his hand and

"Selena, In this relationship, I promise to be committed to you and only you, I promise to be loyal and love you how you wish to be loved,  I promise to be on your side, no matter what and never hurt you. You are the best thing that have ever happened to me and I dont want to lose you." He said and gave me a very adorable smile. "This ring will always remind you of my promises and whenever we are away, it will remind you of me...Can I?" He held the ring close to my finger. I nodded yes and he placed the ring on my finger. I squealed and hugged him in excitement. When we pulled back from the hug, I showered kisses all over his face.

"Where is the other ring?" I asked. "A promise is made from both sides." He pulled out another box from the same drawer and showed me the ring. "Show me your hand." I said as I took the ring from the box and held it close to his finger. "I promise not to leave you despite the challenges we might face. I promise to 'have your back'  in everything, I promise to never hurt you and always keep you happy like you do and I promise all the things you promised me." I giggled. "You might be lucky to have me as your girlfirend but I am luckier that I have a very loving, caring, cute, handsome boyfriend like you. It has not been very long since we got into this relationship but I can say, You are the best boyfriend I've ever had." I said. I gestured him to show his finger as I placed the ring on it and pulled him into another passionate kiss.

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