1. Blew my Mind

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The crowd was eagerly waiting for the winner to driveback to the point. A blonde climbed out of the car and fixed her hair as she joined the crowd, waiting for the winner to arrive.
"You did good, sis." Henry said.

It was team racing day. Rules were simple. The first ones from both the teams starts the race while the second ones to go will be ready waiting for their teammate to race back to the hall. As soon as their teammate reaches the line, the second one can start their race. It was a 3vs3. Henry started the race while emily was the second one who arrived just now, leaving Y/N third.

A celica 1989 finally raced back first, making the crowd go wild.
"I knew It!" Emily rushed to the car excitedly. Y/N climbed out of the car with a proud smile.
"Come here you little-" The blonde hugged her brother.
"Good job, brother." Henry said as he hugged Y/N.

"The triple threat takes it again!" A man yelled in a mic which made the crowd cheer and applaud.
The man handed the winning team a bag full of cash.

"Cheers!" Y/N said as Henry, Emily and Y/N celebrated their win with a drink.

"Guys, now I can get my supra right?" Emily asked.

"You sure can." Henry said.

"Oh my god! I love you both!" Emily said and pulled her brothers into a group hug.

"Hey handsome!" A girl walked where the group was celebrating.

"Heyy, How you doing?" Henry asked with a flirty smile.

"I am good. Hey Y/N are you free tonight?" The girl ignored Henry and asked Y/N.

"No. I-I've got some things to take care of." Y/N said. The girl rolled her eyes and huffed before leaving.

"Dude, she was into you!" Henry complained.

"Yes, boo. She was really into you." Emily said.

"I don't have time for that." Y/N said.

"You are going to die a Virgin." Henry sighed.

"You don't have time for that or you like someone else?" Emily asked with a smirk on her face.

"No-I- don't like anyone. What do you mean?" Y/N chuckled nervously.

"I mean someone, whose name is rose-"

"Rose! The neighbours girl?" Henry exclaimed. Emily nodded.

"What! No-rose-no who said?" Y/N chuckled.

"Explain the blushing, then." Emily pinched her little brother's cheek playfully.

"I am not blushing!" Y/N jerked her hand and went back to his car.

"Does he like rose for real?" Henry asked.

"I don't know. But rose likes him for sure."

"Then you gotta talk to her. Tell her to take Y/N on a date or something." Henry said.

"That's not how it works."

"Thats exactly how it works, Em." Henry said.

"Whatever. I'll go talk to her." Emily said.


Y/N's POV:

"What are you doing? Oh god! When will you get over that junk?" Emily asked. She had my breakfast and a cup of coffee in her hand. I was in our garage cum repair shop which was connected in front of our house. Henry, emily and I work here in shifts but I spend most time of my day here in the garage.

"It might look like a junk but when it starts, this baby is going to blow your minds." I said.

"It wont start, boo." Emily sighed. She kept the tray aside.
I ignored her. I closed the bonnet and climbed insidie the car. I took a deep breath and turned the keys. The engine made revving sounds. I pressed the accelerator to give it more power to start and boom the car turned off with a blasting sound in the bonnet.
I came out of the car with a guilty smile.

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