Chapter 2

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Amelias POV
"Okay we ready to go?" i asked Carina as we stepped out the changing rooms. "Yes im excited to go out, i have been here for less than a month and i have yet to go to that weird bar you were talking about". "HEY! its not weird its just underground". Carina laughs at that and says "and that makes it any better?"
God i love carina. She will become my new best friend trust... sorry Jo.

"Okay so Carina what is your type?"
"um why are we asking for my type?" she asked me in a high pitched tone. "Well if im getting laid so are you". And that was the mission for the night, Carina gets laid and so does Amelia.

Once they went in they eyed everyone in the bar and eyed who they wanted to take home that night. "Hey amelia im going to get a drink next to that pretty lady over there, ciao."

Carinas POV
"Hi yes white wine, thank you" i looked over to my left and saw this hot muscular blonde masterpiece next to me. "Hi, you drinking alone tonight?" She looked at me with those so so pretty blue eyes that were so mesmerizing. "um yea sorry gorgeous" she said to me and that caught my attention and reeled me in. "So you think im gorgeous huh?" And at thats she looked over at me and gave me a smile. "you know maybe im not drinking alone tonight, care to join me?"

We maybe drank and talked for about two hours before we were in a rushed kiss trying to open up the door to my house. We were in a fight with our making put session, her key to the door, and the giggles we kept getting after each attempt. We took a minute to re group so she can open the door for us-

and i completely forgot to ask her what her name was-FUCK. "Hey um i forgot to ask but whats your name". She looked over at me and smile and says "whos asking". So i got closer to her and kiss her passionately and started going down her neck "i want to know the name of the women thats gonna make me scream tonight but without her name i wont be able to scream her name honey".

"oh... um maya". "Shall we go in maya". "Everything sounds so sexy coming out of your mouth" Maya says coming for another heated kiss.

4 Hours Later
"Do you really have to go now, its 5 am" i asked because really the sex was amazing but i always needed some aftercare, even my one night stands would give me some sort of it but her i guess she just isn't like that. "Carina im sorry but i do yes, oh stop looking at me like that". I kept giving her my best puppy eyed stare for as long as i could until she broke. "Fine come here" she said as she got back into bed and held me until i fell asleep. She's definitely leaving in the morning or will be gone by then.

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