The Next Morning (Saturday)... Marinette woke up to Tikki poking her cheek. "Marinette get up! Adrien and his father are here!" Tikki exclaimed. Marinette's eyes opened and she immediately rushed downstairs to the bakery. She fixed her long hair as she walked down the stairs, and Adrien felt his face immediately turn crimson. There was no denying it. Marinette was gorgeous even if she had just woken up, her bluebell eyes were absolutely gorgeous and her lips were so pink and plump. Gabriel was standing next to Adrien while talking to nathalie in a hushed whisper. "Mr. Agreste what are you doing here this early in the morning?" Marinette asked as she stood in front of them in her adorable pink pajamas. "I would like you and Adrien to be partners in his next photo shoot this morning. Would that be alright with you?" Gabriel asked as he looked at her and her parents. "Yes, That is fine with me. One of your classmates, Alya I believe her name is posted a picture of your custom made bathing suit on social media. I was wondering if you would like to feature it in this photoshoot to help open the door for new opportunities for your dream of becoming a fashion designer." Gabriel explained to them. "Yes, I would be honored." Marinette exclaimed as she tried to contain her happiness and excitement. Marinette went and got on her bathing suit and a beautiful pink sun dress on top of it. She packed an extra pair of clothes in a small duffle bag that she had. She made sure that she grabbed some cookies for Tikki and put them into her purse. She put on her black and gold rose flats and headed back downstairs. Gabriel had left the bakery in the car with the Gorilla whereas Nathalie got into her own black car. "You r-r-ready to go then, A-Ad-Adrien?" Marinette stuttered out as she leaned over and gave her parents a kiss on the cheek. "Only if you are." He replied, trying to remain gentlemanly even though his thoughts about her at the moment were anything but. He led her outside and into the car. He opened the door for her and waited for her to get in before doing the same closing the door behind himself. The car ride was filled with the two teens talking about the homework assignments that Madame Bustier assigned them. They also began talking about their everyday life until they arrived at the photoshoot destination which was the beach that they were at the day before. They got out out of the car and walked up to the set. At that moment Adrien started to get nervous, noticing the beach setting. If this was the kind of photoshoot he thought it was, he was going to die. Natalie approached them holding a clipboard. "Adrien, Marinette we are going to have you both get ready for the photoshoot. Adrien your tent is to the left, Marinette, your tent is to the right." Nathalie said as he pointed in the directions. 'Yup, I am definitely going to die. Doing that kind of things with sweet innocent Marinette.' He thought to himself as they separated.

Adrien gave an encouraging smile to Marinette as they were drug in opposite directions by each of their makeup teams. Marinette took off her sundress and was left in her bathing suit that had short frilly pink sleeves and long pink shorts connected to it. She made a pink one piece with her name embroidered onto the waist of it. Adrien was put into his tent and got changed into a pair of black and pink swim shorts. He then sat through the makeup artists doing their jobs to make him more handsome. They fixed his hair and applied a little bit of makeup before he was sent out of the tent to join Marinette. Marinette was standing a little ways off, talking to one of the photographers about her designs. The makeup artists had done a fantastic job with Marinette and she looked even more stunning than usual. The swimsuit hugged her just right, and didn't reveal too much to the world while also showing off adorable and petite body. The one thing that Adrien never expected was how the bathing suit made her breast look very large. Adrien stood still for a moment admiring Marinette's adorable before he came up and stood next to her. "Mari, you look drop-dead gorgeous in that swimsuit." Adrien said as he whispered into her ear. "Thanks A-Adrien." She stuttered out with a blush coating her face as she responded to her crush. Unknown to the two teens, the photographer was already in action, capturing their candid pictures, extremely happy with how the shoot was going already. Natalie chose that moment to break the two teens up. "Adrien, we have a schedule to stick by. Remember that." Nathalie reminded them both. "Of course Natalie." He replied, albeit gloomily. She glowed when he sent her a soft smile, and they walked over to where most of the pictures were going to be taken. The photographer started ordering them around, and Adrien noticed the tight set of Marinette's shoulders. "Let me lead." He whispered to her, not breaking eye contact. "Okay, Adrien." She whispered back as she gently nodded her consent. The photographer snapped shot after shot, and Adrien led Marinette through the photographer's instructions. "Magnifique!" The photographer yelled excitedly. "Adrien, you need to bring her along more! You two go together better than pizza and Italy!" He exclaimed as he looked at them. That comment caused both teens to blush, and the photographer delightedly took more pictures of their embarrassment. Adrien then twirled Marinette around to relive some of her embarrassment. Marinette in turn giggled as she landed in Adrien's arms before looking up at him. "Adrien, I need to tell you something." She said softly. "What is it, Marinette?" Adrien asked as he looked down at her. Victor Alarie seemed to be very happy with the shots that he took to display their outfits. "Time to change outfits!" Nathalie said and once again they were pulled into two different directions.

When Adrien came out of the dressing rooms, Marinette was standing there waiting for him. Marinette had her hair down and it was curled. She was wearing a beautiful bluebell sundress and blue sandals to match it. Adrien was wearing a bluebell swim trunks to match Marinette's dress. The hair stylist seemed to like when his hair was fluffy and easy to maneuver so he left it alone. Victor began ordering them around again and soon Marinette found that she could not resist Adrien's soft and fluffy hair. She pulled him close and gently began running her hands through his hair, reveling in how soft it was. "It's so soft." She said giggling as she smiled looking Adrien in the eye to make sure that he was comfortable with what she was doing. Victor then got the idea of commanding them to look into each other's eyes with love. They both blushed at the idea, but neither of them found it hard to accomplish his orders. After a few more poses, Victor had them change one last time. Adrien thought he was prepared when he walked out of his tent, but he was not. Marinette was wearing a pink and frilly bikini swimsuit. All of Marinette's features seemed to be amplified in that moment; the way she smiled and laughed, the way she treated everyone with such kindness and beauty, the way she seemed to be such a natural model, just her. Marinette felt his eyes staring into her body. She turned around blushing heavily. His new swimsuit had more of a lower cut than all the rest, exposing more of his stomach as well as more of his hips. She was snapped out of her trance by Victor yelling at the two of them, telling them to get their butts over to him. The two teenagers  obliged and Victor led them through multiple poses, and showed him how to do exactly what he wanted. After that he told them to do a pose that felt natural. The two had been moving closer towards each other more and more throughout the day, and the photographer wanted to know what would happen if he simply let them choose. Marinette immediately wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled her head into his chest. He in turn pulled her closer, his hands on her hips. They both momentarily forgot where they were until Victor shouted "Magnifique!" They smiled as they looked at each other, wearing matching fiery blushes. Victor clapped his hands together in joy before telling the two of them that they could get changed again. Gabriel let Marinette keep everything that she wore throughout the day. She changed into her sundress and shorts with her black flats. Adrien walked out in his normal clothing. Marinette put all the clothes that she had been given into her duffle bag. The two didn't talk while Nathalie drove Marinette to her house. After their long day, Marinette had fallen asleep in Adrien's lap. She was snuggled up against his chest and holding him close. Adrien just watched her sleep until they got to her house. Then, Adrien gently shook Marinette. "Marinette, wake up, your home." He said gently as the girl woke up and sat up. "Oh, Okay. Thank you, for today. I had a lot of fun." Marinette said as she got her things and got out of the car. "Of course, that was way more fun with you there." Adrien responded. "Good night, Marinette." He added as he helped her out of the car. Marinette walked into the bakery, up the stairs. She ate her dinner with her family remembering to grab extra food for the kwamis. She went to her room, showered, got into her pajamas, brushed her teeth and hair before she fed the the kwamis and made sure they had everything that they needed. She and Tikki climbed into bed and covered themselves up before they immediately fell asleep when their faces landed onto their pillows.

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