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Adrien returned to his estate with his father and watched over him. Marinette woke up to the sound of both her alarm and of Tikki nudging her cheek. "Marinette! You're going to be late for school if you don't get up! Plus, you still have to wrap up Adrien's gift." Tikki said as she pushed on Marinette's shoulder. Marinette rubbed her eye with her fist. "Tikki?" She said groggily. "What time is it?" Marinette asked her closest ally. "It's 6 o'clock." Tikki told her holder. Marinette shot up. "Oh shoot!" She exclaimed as she looked around before she rubbed her face. "Ugh. I don't have time to panic. I need to get ready." She said as she quickly ran over and began getting ready for school. "Do you mind grabbing my stuff and putting it in my bag?" Marinette asked her small Kwami. "Of course." Tikki said as she nodded. Marinette ran a brush through her hair, tossing on a cute white blouse and a pair of light blue pants, Marinette finished the last bits of her morning routine before reaching for her phone. Marinette ran and was able to meet up with Alya, Nino and Adrien. They walked in and saw Ms. Bustier. Everyone took their seats before she began talking. "Okay class, so tomorrow we are going on a field trip to the beach!" Ms. Bustier smiled as cheers of excitement erupted from her class that was nearly dead from boredom. "My daddy will make sure its empty just for mwah!" Chloé exclaimed seriously as she stood up holding her phone. "I cant wait to dare Kim to do stuff!" Ivan said smirking at Myléne. "Adrien without a shirt! Alya!" Marinette said softly as she looked at Adrien then over at Ayla. "Sweet! My dads cool with me going! What did Marinette say?" Adrien said as he looked up from his phone. "Bruh, this is going to be great dude! Oh and nothing Man, just how h-" Nino started saying before being pulled away by Ayla. Soon after, Ayla came back into the room after a while and sat down next to Marinette. "Now we leave tomorrow first thing, so make sure you get a swimming suit!" Ms.Bustier exclaimed looking at Marinette. "I don't really want to go and buy a swimsuit." Marinette said softly. "Nonsense, you are coming and getting a swimsuit." Ayla said seriously. "Girl, please. To be honest, I cant wait to get swimsuits! Lets hit the bikinis!" Alya exclaimed, but frowned at Marinette's lack of enthusiasm. "Yah sure." She sighed sadly as she looked at her best friend. "What's wrong girl?" Alya questioned. "I am just not very comfortable with bikinis. Or any swimsuits. To be honest." Marinette said as she shrugged. "Ahh- Don't be girl! You will look fine you crazy lady!" She laughed, nudging Marinette. Ayla laughed as they parted ways. They were dismissed and Marinette packed up her stuff, left and began walking home towards her families bakery. It was fine since Alya had to go and babysit her sisters while her parents went out. Marinette got to the bakery. She walked into the apartment and up to her room. She shut the door behind her and collapsed on her bed. Marinette sighed as Tikki flew out of her hiding place. "Tikki, what am I gonna do? I cant go swimming with everyone else there. They will see all my scars." She exclaimed as she lifted up her shirt a tiny bit, pointing to a particularly nasty scar on her side that she got from Reflekta. "Don't worry Marinette! Just make an excuse, like you got attacked by an escaped panther!" Tikki giggled. "Yah I guess but with so many you'd think that I was being abused." Marinette said softly as she looked at her kwami. "Oh my." Tikki said softly as she looked at her owner. "All will be fine Marinette!" Tikki said reassuring her. Marinette went downstairs and ate dinner with her family. She then went back upstairs and made her own design of bathing suit. She made a bathing suit that had short frilly pink sleeves and long pink shorts connected to it. She made a pink sparkly one piece with her name embroidered onto it. Exhausted she tried it on to see how it looked. She was very happy with it, she collected her swimming supplies like two large towels, shampoo, conditioner, goggles, sunscreen, and her ladybug themed sunglasses.

Soon enough tomorrow came, and Marinette got up, she fed all of the kwamis and made sure that they had enough food and drinks to last them throughout the day. She then showered and shaved her entire body. She decided to leave her hair down for the day. She got out and dried off. She got dressed and ready for the day. She ate with her parents and grabbed her bag. She walked to school and waited alone on the staircase with her classmates. Everyone waited for the bus together. They were talking to one another. Soon the bus arrived, she and the others loaded up on the bus to go to the beach. Marinette uncomfortably fiddled with her bag where her pink one piece and tee-shirt sat in. They arrived and Marinette began to set up her area on the beach. She placed down the towel onto one of the provided beach chairs and set up her umbrella. Everyone had went and changed into their swimsuits. They were swimming and hanging out with their friends on the beach. Marinette reluctantly changed into her swim suit in the dressing room, but quickly threw her own design. Alya basically dragged her out of the dressing room and saw her outfit. "You look amazing, Marinette." Ayla said as she looked at her best friend. 'I need to get Marinette to be more confident!' Alya thought to herself. The two girls walked over to Nino and Adrien, who were standing next to Marinette's chair. "Hey dudettes!" Nino called. "Hello, Mari." Adrien said as he just smiled and waved to them. He kissed Marinette's cheek before he took off his shirt forgetting about all of the scars he had gained from taking hits from fighting with his lady, and fencing. "Oh My-" Alya didn't even finish her sentence while she examined his scars. "Dude." Nino breathed. Marinette just stood there speechless for a moment, she honestly thought for a moment that she had died and gone to heaven. He had abs, a chiseled six pack but they were riddled with many scars that showed around his entire body. She then ran over and placed her hand onto his chest looking at his scars. "What happened to you?" Marinette whispered gently as she hugged Adrien and held him closely and tightly in her arms. "Fencing, and my father." He said softly as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around him tighter and held him close. Soon they let go of one another and began their fun filled day. Marinette went over and sat down on her chair and took out her sketchbook. She sketched Adrien and Nino building their castles in the sand. Alya was swimming with Kim, Rose and Jeulka when she noticed Marinette staring at the boys. She looked at the others before she got out of the water and went over to Marinette. "Marinette, come swim with me." Her best friend begged. "Can I finish my sketch first?" She asked Ayla. "Okay fine." She said as she pulled up a chair and sat next to her. Soon enough, Marinette had finished her sketch and set her sketchbook down in her bag. "Okay let's swim." Ayla said looking at her friend. "Alrighty!" Marinette exclaimed as Ayla grabbed her hand dragging her into the water. Ayla, Alix, Marinette, Jeluka, Rose and Myléne were all swimming together when Alya got out of the water and grabbed her phone and took a photo of them. Marinette was standing on the beach in her bathing suit as she looked over at Alya while pointing the way to the juice bar on the beach for Ivan and the boys. Alya took a picture of her and uploaded it to her social media accounts. Marinette went back over to her chair and covered up with her towel when Adrien came over with two drinks. He sat in the chair next to Marinette and smiled at her. "I got you a cherry flavored slushy from the juice bar." He said as he pushed the red drink towards her. She smiled happily. "Thanks, Adrien." She said as she held it and took a sip of it. "Oh it's so good!" She exclaimed dramatically as she drank it all slowly and surely with only a few brain freezes. Soon their day at the beach was over and they all got washed and dried off. They changed into their normal clothes and headed back to the school on the bus. There they all went their separate ways. Marinette walked home, into the bakery, up the stairs. She ate her dinner with her family remembering to grab extra food for the kwamis. She went to her room, showered, got into her pajamas, brushed her teeth and hair before she feed the rest of the kwamis before she and Tikki climbed into bed and covered themselves up before they immediately fell asleep.

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