Chapter 36: Hug

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"Do you get it now?" Rapunzel said glaring at me. I exhaled and looked down at her dully. "What do you want me to do?"

"Do something." She snarled.
Its not like I didn't know what she was talking about. I obviously knew. I had hurt Merida...

"What do you want me to do." I repeated.

"Omygosh, Hiccup! You need to freakin get your sh*t straight! Yeah I know you like Elsa and everything but you kissed Merida for a reason!"

"The reason is because I wasn't thinking! Okay, stop trying to make this into something meaning full cause it's not! " I bursted out. I glared at her and she flinched.
She looked on the verge of tear but walked away before she could produce any.

"Argh!" I screamed out as soon as she was out of sight. I began walking in the opposite direction and in frustration I started scratching the top of my head.

What to do with this frustration.
I finally stopped in front of a wall and slammed my hand onto it hard.
What the hell is wrong with me! Why is everything so wrong. I don't understand. Everything was going so well... Yet, I had do something so stupid.


"Hiccup?" A small voice said, I looked away from the wall to find Merida. "Oh, H-hi Merida." I stuttered trying to regain my composure. "I heard..." she spoke softly. She heard...

"Heard... what?" I said uncharacteristically stoic. "Dun't play dumb Hiccup!"she yelled and then looked down.

She had her hands balled up in fists and was trembling. "Merida, let me explain.." I said reaching for her but she took a step away from me.
I gritted my teeth... what do I have to explain

"You dun't need to. You already made it perfectly clear." She said finally looking at me. Her eyes were watery... I had never seen her like this.

"Merida please!" I begged, why is it hurting me seeing her like this. "I'm out of 'ere." She replied walking away.

I cant let her get away...

"Merida!" I called out and without thinking I ran up to her disappearing figure and hugged her, she stopped immediately. Her shoulders shrugged down and she began to tremble again. She was crying but I couldn't see her face.

"Why couldn't you just let me be." She said her voice strained. She finally hugged my arms around her shoulders.

"I don't know." I replied into her ear.

Jack stood there looking at me as if he was looking at a cat and I stood staring at him unimpressed.

"Hey." He finally said smiling down at me, but the smile on his face was foreign to me. Did he always smile like that? I stared up at him blankly, I don't recognize this person.

He then looked upset and stepped closer to me and examined my face. I still couldn't help but blush at the close proximity of his face.

His face lit up into a beautiful smile and in one swift movement his hand was on my head and his body pressed up against me.
A simple hug.

...Without thinking much about it I hugged his arm that were crossed over my body.

"It really is you!" He exclaimed laughing cheerfully near my ear. Why wouldn't it be me?

Suddenly he stopped laughing and there was a short pause. "Hey Elsa... Why are you sweating?" He asked letting go of me and making a funny face.

My face instantly heated up, "I.. you know..the." I stuttered reaching up to my forehead, unable to speak correctly. How embarassing!
He smiled and slowly lifted his hand to caress my cheek. "Im just kidding, Elsa."

I felt myself pout and i stopped talking again. Instead I looked into his winter blue eyes as they softly looked at me. They were so mesmerizing I could've stayed looking at him like that. But my brain uselessly remembered what I saw when I had escaped.

I dropped my head and brushed his hand away much the same way I did to Hiccup.

"What's wrong?" He asked lifting up my face but when our eyes met my eyes were blank.

"I really need to go to class." I said looking away again and stepping off the bed. As I started to walk away i felt his eyes on me and then i felt his hand on my wrist.

I instantly looked back to see him
"Elsa what's wrong?" He asked honestly seeming concerned. I bit my lip and dropped my gaze.

I... I saw Jack with another girl. I know I'm overreacting but why do I feel so... jealous.

"Elsa.." he said burrowing his eyebrows and looking directly at me almost serene like.

Its not fair if he looks at me like this...
My face must have given away what i was feeling for the next thing I knew I was pulled into an embrace.

I embraced Jack back and placing my face on his chest. This is so unfair.
"I'm so sorry Jack." I kept repeating over and over again.

He hugged me so close to himself I almost couldn't breathe. But I didn't care since I was hugging him the same way.

"I've missed you so much." He whispered into my ear.

I stopped mumbling my incoherent sentence and buried my face deeper into his chest, I didn't know if he truly missed me

But I had missed him much.

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