𝟚."𝔽𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕒 𝕣𝕠𝕓𝕠𝕥?"

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Today was my discharge. I woke up to the thought of seeing friends tomorrow in school. Surprisingly,my arms weren't paining anymore and I felt completely normal. Was this some secret way of curing patients-giving them something secret so that they become just fine on the discharge day? I shake my head from these thoughts and gaze at the view of sunlight entering the room through the glass window. I was and am a morning person,always will be. You wouldn't find this freshness in nights.

The first person to enter was nurse,behind her was someone I didn't expected to be here. She hugged me tightly as she sat down beside me.

"I couldn't sleep last night,so I had to come." Fleur shook her head.

"You didn't had to book tickets for something as minor as this!" I hiss.

"I have news." She said out of no where.

"Wow,what' up?"

"You could move in sooner than two months,great right? I was talking to the architect and he said everything is almost done! He just needs to do few restroom area work. It's October now,you could move in by the first week of December. Great right?"

"Amazing!" I cheer.

"England haven't changed much,I see." She looks at the story books of famous British scholars at the table. I laugh at her words before my phone starts to ring. It was Mike.

"Woah,woah. My little Ash got a boy friend."
"That's our neighbor,please." I scoff as I answer the phone.

"Good morning,how are you?" He said in a heavy voice that suggested that he just woke up.
"Morning,I am fine. How are you?" I said before looking ta Fleur mouthing words like, "Too sweet for a neighbor?" I shake my head at her.

"I am good. Where are you?" he asks.

"At my hospital room,duh." I answer.

"Well,you have to go home today,right?" He said.

"Yes,what about it?"

"I am coming,okay?"

"No,no,no,not today!" I said with a laugh before noticing Fleur's expression drop to a way more serious one.

"Who is it,Ash?" She said purposely.

"As I said,Neighbor."

"Lemme talk to him,then?" She raises her eye brow and I panic at this.
"Whose there with you?" Came his voice right after, "Let them talk,don't worry." He said and I sigh in relief before opening the speaker.

"Okay.."I said.

"Hello? Whose bothering the patient?"

"Her sister,apparently. I could ask the same thing to you."
"I am Michael,I live beside Ashley's home. Nice to meet you. I thought she had no siblings."
"I never said that!" I hiss.

"Well,I assumed," He said, "Where were you when she almost broke her ankle and got hurt that bad,eh?" he asks in a rough tone.
"Paris. And I don't think you need to know anymore. What are you guys? A thing?" Fleur looks at me. I wait for Michael to answer,but instead he says, "Ask your sister."

Damn,he did me dirty.

"We're friends." I said through gritted teeth.

"yet." Came his voice. Fleur looked at me narrowed eyes before speaking, "She will be moving with me to a farther place within a month. So,don't even think,okay?"

"Oh." Came his disappointed voice, "Anyway.."

"Will you drop her home?" He asks. I felt tears stringing my eyes.

"Sure." Fleur answers coldly before the call ends.

"You didn't have to do that. We were good,Fleur." I whisper to her.

"You will thank me later." She nods as she starts packing stuff that's mine into the bag it was.

"Here,go and change." She passes me a hoodie and cargo pants. I took them and change in the bathroom as I open my tied Blonde hair and let them down,curtaining my waist.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I've been loosing weight,yes. My face looked more sunken and my skin paler. My eyes couldn't look any less greener. They almost appeared as grey right now. That's literally when Mike's word ring in my brain once again,
"I thought I fell for a robot."

I started smiling at his statement. Did he actually fell for me? Or was he just trying to flirt a little? Whatever it was,it's over now – Thanks to my oh,so caring sister.

I exited the hospital with Fleur. I was walking towards her car when some known figure crossed my eyes. What was he doing here?

I open my phone and text him in unnoticeable way.

Why are you here?

I wanted to speak actually. Only if your loving sister leaves you alone for a minute.

I don't think she would. We are at her car now.


I guess I will see you around house,okay?

As you say,queen.

It was really hard to suppress a smile for me. I purposely sat in the passenger seat so that Fleur couldn't see what's going on in my phone. Her expression fell a little bit,but she started driving anyway. I wonder who had told her the hospital's location. It was eight in the morning. The sun and wind had a battle for who will have more effect today.

"Are you still mad at me?" Fleur said quietly.

"No,I am so happy that I want to hug you,right now!" I say with fake enthusiasm.
"At times,it's really hard to say if you're joking." She shook her head.

"He was good. It was the first person who had some effect on me." I said.

"Effect?" She arches her brow.

"You would know. You've been with someone before. And I know that you know what I am talking about." I said in a cold voice and she fell silent.
"Nah,but why did you have to do that,literally?" I ask her.
"It was clear you liked him more than a friend by the way you answered his call. You were never so calm – I'd say – To anyone,ever.

I didn't want your heart to be broken. It felt like you would deny moving in once you start loving him,do you understand? I've been there before and I don't want the same to happen to you. Even if he's a good guy,you have to live with me,right? And don't even start with long distance shit,okay?" She said,her french accent thickening and her voice getting deeper in the end.

"Oh." I felt silent at her words. Because,somewhere in my heart – I knew she wasn't lying. She was being honest to me,and I should appreciate that.

"You....You're right." I breathe. My voice barely audible.

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