Chapter 8: The Picnic

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 (I'm sorry for disappearing😔I was going over what to add in the next few chapters when I realized it's been too long since I had written a chapter. please forgive me. also, this is probably cringey because it's my first fanfic. sorry.)

Annabeth Pov:

     When the men rode away on their horses, the women had to stay slow, in a side saddle position. I was already hating my day. "Well, this can't get much worse, can it?" I thought to myself. "Unfair, isn't it?" a voice behind me said. I turned to see Queen Sally talking to me. "Huh?" I replied, surprised that she was talking to me. " That the men get to ride fast on their horses while the women have to ride far behind, side-saddle?" " Oh, yes. I have always hated being treated differently because of being a girl. I didn't know you felt the same, your majesty." I answered her. " I do. And please I prefer just Sally." she continued. " But if you want to ride the horses for real you can meet me tomorrow at 3pm in the stables." she winked at me.

    Piper joined in on our conversation soon and we had a good time talking until we heard the beating of horses. by how loud and how often they occurred, I would say that they were near-by and coming quickly. I confirmed my suspicions when I saw a bunch of horses with their riders. But it wasn't the men, it was a group of girls. As I looked at the girls, I noticed a girl with beautiful auburn hair in front of them all along with someone who looked vaguely familiar with her silky dark hair, and olive skin. I recognized that these women where the hunting party that travels through all of the neighboring kingdoms looking for new prey.  they looked over and saw us and came toward us. once they reached us the girl with auburn hair said, "You ladies get left behind by the men again?" "Oh Artemis. I know that you hate men, but you don't have to be so rude to them." Sally said. She just shrugged and turned her gaze to us girls. " Y'know if you ever get tired of this stuff you can always join us." I laughed at this while Sally scolded her. 

    After a little more walking, we finally came to the place that we were going to have the picnic. We all got off our horses and set up blankets. Ella and Sadie were still struggling to put their stuff away when the men finally arrived. Piper and Thalia got up and helped Ella and Sadie put their stuff away while the men started to do the same. After the girls came back, the men were finished and started to mingle with the girls. Jason, Percy, and one other guy who looked familiar walked over. The third guy looked tall, well built, and kind of cute. He had a sandy blond color hair, and there was a nig scar that looked like a slash over his eye down to his cheek. "Hey Jason, Percy, guy who looks familiar." Thalia said as they sat down. Well Jason and Percy sat down. The other guy kinda just stood there like he didn't want to be there. "Who's this?" Piper asked them, pointing at the other guy. "Oh" Percy said." That's Luke. He's my bodyguard." of course how could i forget that? I must be too exhausted from the past few nights. Not good. He seemed to notice me looking and said, "Why do the two of you keep staring at me?" I looked over to see Thalia also staring at him. We looked at each other and then Luke. "Luke?" she began, "Is that you?" memories started coming back to me. The days when we would play in Luke's yard, when we would spend a night out in the woods and get scared at the slightest sound...  " Yeah" he said as he hung his head slightly. I'm guessing he didn't expect the reaction we had. We both ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

     After that, i spent a lot of time with Percy and Piper and Jason. Who I smirked at when he finally actually looked at me. I feel like he knows I know now, because his eyes widened. But it was fun we sat and ate food while making jokes. Oh and don't worry I didn't forget the mission. I was keeping an eye on everyone at the picnic. A few girls were flirting with the men there. What's the point of joining the selection if your just gonna flirt with another man? I don't understand people like that. After a while it was time to head back to the royal palace. As we left I felt like I was being watched so I looked around but I couldn't find anyone looking so I just continued riding back to the palace but I could never shake the feeling that something was watching me...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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