Chapter 3: The Ball

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(Hi guys! so again just the normal "beware of grammar and spelling and stuff, please comment and stuff too" also the "Disclaimer: I don't own anything PJO or HoO)

Annabeth Pov:

    The next day was pretty much the same as far as the selection goes. But now I'm at a meeting getting a brain overload from Leo. he was jumping around, and going through files, really fast, of all the guards, but he was also talking, and talking, and talking. "Haha weird beard dude." he said looking at one photo of a guard, he kept on commenting on the photos until he said something about a 'Luke'. "Dang Luke, I would almost recognize you if it weren't for this coffee." I perked up. "Wait what?" Jason said. "Woah woah wait. Like Luke Castellan?" I asked. "Yeah, why?"  Leo asked. "Can I see that?" I asked. Leo handed me the file and went back to going through the files and saying, "Only the guards and royal family know of the passageways so there are probably some intruders there." "Leo that is the most sense you have had all night." Katie said. "He's right. Gosh that felt weird to say. But there could still be more people everywhere." Jason said.

    I looked at the file on Luke. "So, I was right" I thought to myself. "This is the Luke I grew up with that I told you about. "I said out loud. "Wait the Luke? Like the one that lived down the street from us before we ran away? The one that my sister always hung out with?" Jason asked. I nodded. "Apparently he's one of Percy's personal guards too. How did you not recognize him?" "I don't know, ok?" Jason defended. 

    It was a long night, and I was very tired by the time I got out. We all went different ways, since we all lived in different parts of the castle. But on my way back to my room I heard a creaking sound from behind me. I turned to see it was Piper. "A-Annabeth? Is that you?" she asked. "What are you doing out here this late?" I asked. "I could ask you the same thing. Where were you?" "I was just going for a walk. I couldn't sleep." She looked at me, unbelieving but she let it go. "Same." she said as we both walked back to our rooms in silence. "How about we get the girls together tomorrow at one of our rooms so we can get ready for the ball?" oh my gods, the ball! I had completely forgotten about it! "Sure. How about mine?" "See you in the morning" she said, walking into her room. " See you in the morning." I said. "That was close" I thought to myself.

  In the morning Meg had to wake me up before the girls came. Getting ready for the Ball was apparently an all-day thing. She started getting all the files I had out and putting them away into a space only we knew of.  Soon all the girls came with their head maids. They all laid out their dresses and accessories and began to get ready. When Katie came out of the closet with my stuff. "Ah you must be the girls she talks about." She said, setting down my dress and its accessories. When she looked up and saw Miranda, she stopped what she was doing and almost dropped some of my stuff. "M-Miranda?" "Katie?" They rushed forward and hugged each other. "It's been so long where have you been? I haven't heard from you in years! Mom, Dad and I were worried sick for so long!" Miranda asked. "I went to a boarding school and they, for some reason, wouldn't let me send letters." Katie replied. "I didn't want you guys to be worried. I really did try to get a message to you." Oh, they were sisters. (Full blooded sisters for the sake of my story) That explains why Miranda looked so familiar.

     After a long day of getting ready, it was 6 o'clock and we were ready. We all gathered in the hallway that led to the staircase we will go down as our names were called. The ball was starting and the guy who was supposed to call us out, began to name the royal family. as they came out, I saw that the boys, and Estelle were wearing almost the exact same thing as what they wore to greet us on our first day. But Sally was wearing a dark blue, strapless dress that faded to white at the bottom and had a long train going out. (At top)

after that the caller announced. "And finally, our honored guests of whom we have held this ball for, the girls in the Selection of Ichor. May I present to you. Lady Nyssa Barrera," Nyssa was wearing this: (Btw he's calling their names out in alphabetical order. Oh, and I placed little references in the dresses of some characters, and in the OC's names see if you can find the references.)

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