Chapter 4: The First Elimination

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(Disclaimer: I do not own anything PJO or HoO) 

Annabeth Pov: 

    "Rebels" I thought. they started shattering all the windows and shooting at the nobles, and royal family. I ran out with the crowd to get changed into my suit, as I saw my team doing the same. The suit that we all had was meant to be a quick change and we were trained to keep it that way. I pulled off my dress and put on the rest of my suit that was hiding under it. (don't pay attention to the necklace and sunglasses.)

I hurriedly put on my bulletproof outfit that had the royal crest on it and stocked my weapons

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I hurriedly put on my bulletproof outfit that had the royal crest on it and stocked my weapons. I had a gun and a bunch of throwing knives. as for keeping my identity a secret, I had a hood and a mask that covered my mouth and nose. I ran into the ball room to find a group of rebels surrounding Percy. "Get away from him." I said. They all turned. "Hah! what are you going to do to us? little girl." one of the fat ones said. "Do you want to find out?" I said. Three of them ran at me. I punched one, kicked the other in the face, and judo-flipped the third when they started to get up, I knocked them out. And kept walking towards the rebels. They charged at me, but I saw Travis, Connor, Jason, and Leo appear beside me. "Get the Prince!" Travis yelled. While the team took the rebels I went after the 5 that had Percy. When I got to them, they set Percy down and yelled, "Try to come any closer and the prince gets it." They said, pointing their gun at Percy. I put my gun on the floor slowly. Suddenly there was a 'whoosh' next to me. Katie had thrown a knife at him from the balcony, stabbing his gun arm and making him drop the gun. Katie dropped from the balcony and rolled to stop the fall from hurting her as much. I quickly grabbed my gun and shot the guy next to Percy in the leg to stop him from running away. I ran at the rest of them and hit one with the back of my gun and dropped the gun. I punched the next guy and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine (iykyk) making him crumple to the floor. After there was only one rebel left, the royal guard came in. "Finally." I thought to myself. I picked Percy up, who was unconscious, and brought him to the Docter. While the other guards struggled to knock the last rebel out. Leo had to punch the rebel to actually knock him out. "Some royal guard they are. Without us who knows where the prince would be" I muttered.

    After I dropped off Percy with Apollo, I ran down the hall to wear I had hidden my dress. When I got there, I put the dress back on and ripped it slightly to make it look like I had tripped while running away from the rebels. I ran back to my room and found the girls there, Piper and Thalia pacing. "Where were you?" they asked. "I hid until I heard everyone leave. Then I came here to check to see if you all were alright." I replied. "We are fine we were just worried about you because we couldn't find you." Lacy said. "Come on, there is a camera crew outside and I want to see what they're saying." Paris said. 

    As we got down to the place where the camera crew was, we heard King Paul talking about the attack. "-no casualties occurred but several were injured." "Your Majesty, who were those people in masks fighting the rebels?" "As for who they were I do not know. But to whoever they are they did their country a great service and I could not be more thankful." he replied. the crowd of reporters went into chaos asking questions. "No more questions please." He said, walking away. "Dam it!" Clarisse said. We all walked back to my room. "Why don't we just go to sleep and tomorrow after breakfast we all meet up in the girl's lounge to just talk?" Lou-Ellen suggested. We all agreed to do meet there the next day.

    After breakfast we met up and walked to the girl's lounge, to find someone there. If I remember correctly her name was Sadie. "Oh hey," Lacy said. " Your Sadie, right? I'm Lacy, this is Annabeth, Piper, Ella, Thalia, Clarisse, Miranda, Lou-Ellen, and Paris." "Yeah, the name's Sadie." She replied. Sadie had golden blonde hair with red streaks in it, and her accent was strange. I don't think I've ever heard it before. That day we spent time just talking and we got to know each other more. Including Sadie. Apparently, Ella had a bunch of siblings. Piper didn't like her mom, and her dad was always working. Thalia's ex is one of Percy's personal guards. Clarisse had been trained to fight with a spear. Lacy was younger than everyone else in the selection. Miranda was always alone at the house. Paris is the daughter of a nobleman who is friends with the king. Lou-Ellen was an amazing magician. She did a few illusions magic tricks for us in the girl's room. And Sadie had a brother who looked nothing like her. A little later in the evening, a girl walked in. She looked like a maid. She was an African American, with shoulder-length cinnamon brown curly hair, and beautiful gold eyes. "My Ladies," she said. "Sorry to intrude. But lunch will be in one hour." "What's your name?" Piper asked. She looked shocked but said, "Hazel, My Lady." "Please just call me Piper. Come sit and talk with us." By now some of the girls had left and it was just me, Piper, Ella, Thalia, and Clarisse. After she had warmed up to us, she told us that she was Percy's head maid. "He always tries to sleep in. I have to either scream at him to wake up, which is quite enjoyable, or I have to physically yank him out of his bed." She said to us, laughing. We all laughed as she continued to tell us stories about him. Them we asked her about if she had any friends who were staff as well. "Well, there is Juniper, Grover, Frank, Silena, Beckendorf, and my half-brother Nico." "Which Frank?" Clarisse asked. "Umm... Frank Zhang." "Oh, that's my half-brother. he has been working here for a while, while my dad made me stay at the house." "Oh, wow that's cool. Oh, and is no one going to talk about how she was blushing when we talked about Frank?" Thalia asked. "I will!" Piper volunteered. "If that's what you guys are going to talk about then I'm going to head back to my room or something. I've never been the type for matchmaking anyways. the only reason I'm here is because my dad signed me up." Clarisse said walking out. "Sooo... you and Frank huh?" Piper said teasing Hazel. she blushed and said, "We are just friends." "Oh gods, not this again. why do they always think that immediately?" I shrugged then asked, "So what's he like?" to which Hazel replied, "He has a large and stoutly-built frame with a baby-cheeked face and black hair in a military-style cut." she softened and looked into the air dreamily while saying, "He's an amazing hugger, and an amazing fighter, he's loyal, he's so nice, and, surprisingly, he has a good singing voice too." Piper and I exchanged looks of, 'she's in love' and the day went on.

    After about two weeks of late nights, dates with Percy, and spending time with the girls, it was time for an elimination. An elimination day is a day in which Percy sends home 4-5 girls because he felt like they were just friends or that their relationship wouldn't develop past friends. Most of the selected were nervous about being eliminated this early. Lacy was pacing and Paris was very nervous and panicking while the rest of us comforted the others. I wasn't worried too much honestly. If I did get eliminated, then I would just be reassigned in the castle and not have to worry about the girly stuff. But it was a stressful day for others. When we got to the stage with everybody else, Percy entered, and the reporters started taking pictures. When Percy reached the podium, he said, "Today is the first elimination in the Selection of Ichor. Today 4 girls will be going home. After giving everything much thought, I still only had little knowledge of you girls please forgive me. Today the girls that will be going home are, Lady Paris Le Caillou, Lady Nyssa Barrera, Lady Lou-Ellen Blackstone, and Lady Clarisse La Rue." 

    As the girls were packing, Hazel came by to say goodbye to the girls. While Paris looked disappointed, Clarisse looked relieved saying, "Thank the gods that is over. I hated wearing those dresses. Besides I'm glad I can actually choose who I wanted to be with instead of him choosing me. Also, there's this boy in my town..." "Go get him." Thalia said. They hugged, and Clarisse was the first to leave. Lou-Ellen was disappointed, but she was partially relieved too. Paris was the last to leave. She was crying silently as she hugged each of us and when she came to me, she whispered in my ear, "My money's on you, Chase. Don't screw this up." I was shocked but smiled and waved as she left in her carriage.

    Now there were only 16 girls left, and three eliminations to go through. Unfortunately, now that the first elimination was done, the girls start classes on how to be a proper ruler, and how to rule a kingdom...yay...

Hey guys I wanted to thank you for the reads. I just wanted to tell you that now that I'm done with my fall break, Updates will come slower because of homework and such. Thanks again for the reads, don't forget to comment. ILY


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