Chapter 5: Friends and Rivals

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Hey y'all, so I just wanted to let you know that in some of the chapters I will be changing Pov's but mostly I will stick to Annabeth. Thank you guys so much for the reads! Don't forget to comment too! And I'm sorry if I'm updating less frequently, I am just busy with school. But I still wanted to give you guys new chapters

Disclaimer: I do not own anything PJO that belongs to Rick Riordan.


Percy POV:

    Today I had the job of introducing the girls to their teacher *cough* nightmare *cough* huh? what? that wasn't me. She was my teacher on ruling the kingdom. It was fatally boring.

    As I walked into the dining hall all the girls stood. I told them to sit, and introduced them to their teacher, "girls, this is Ms. Elanore. She will be your teacher from now on. Please follow any instructions that she gives you." As I left, I could hear Mr. Elenore talking to the girls. 

    After that I went to my room, where all of our friends were meeting up. When I got to my room, everyone was there already. "Hey Perce. Where were you?" Beckendorf asked. Beckendorf is one of the royal guards for my mom and Pual. "I had to introduce the girls to Ms. Elenore. I feel bad for them." I replied. "Is Ms. Elenore the one teacher you hated?" Hazel asked. "Yep." I said popping the 'p'. "But enough about me how is it going for you guys?" "Oh!" Hazel said. "Recently I made friends with some of the selected. They seem so nice. I really got along with these three girls, Piper, Annabeth, and Ella. they're all sweethearts." "Umm..." Frank said. "We got a new person at the stables. He joined when the selection started. I think his name is Leo. He's pretty funny but lately he seems on edge. I don't know why though."  "Well," Beckendorf started, " there's this one new guy who joined Percy's guard. What was his name again?" "Jason." I said. "Yeah." Beckendorf said. "Well, that's all I know about newer people. But everyone in the barracks is freaking out that people were able to get past us. I hate to say it but if those hooded people hadn't come, I don't know what would have happened." "Speaking of which," Silena spoke up, "Do you know who those people where, Percy?" "No. But my mom and Paul are acting suspicious, so I don't know if they know or not. But let's focus on a lighter note. Grover how is your job?" "Oh, I'm so glad you asked, Percy," Grover said. "So, when I was watering the plants today, I saw a wilting rose, so I gave it fertilizer and water. but then the other flowers got jealous, so I had to give them fertilizer and water too." "Wait how can flowers get jealous?" Luke asked. "Flowers have feeling too, Luke." Grover replied in a 'duh' tone. "How is Juniper?" Silena asked. "Good! our one-year anniversary is coming up, but I don't know what to get her." Grover replied. 

    We went on grilling Grover until we decided to move on to the next person. "So, Nico, How's everything back at your place?" I asked. "Very boring. I came here because I wanted to see Hazel. And since the selection started and Bianca is out with our cousin Artemis, it was good timing. Also are we just going to let Silena get away with not being asked anything?" "Fine." she said. "Well, I'm annoyed that the attack happened because all the girls had rips in their dresses. one of them looked as if it was torn by hand. I feel bad for that girl. She must have run into rebels while she was running. She was lucky that she got away without anything else happening. But now I have to fix those dresses AND make the new ones. You better be thankful Percy." We all laughed at that. I looked at the clock on the wall. "Shoot! I'm going to be late to my meeting." I yelled. They all laughed as I rushed out of the room to my meeting.

    After a very boring meeting so after it, I decided to just take a walk. I was completely lost in thought when I bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry." It was Rachel. "Oh, hey Rachel. I'm sorry I was just lost in thought. I just had the most boring meeting ever." "What were you thinking about?" she asked. "Well, we are supposed to announce this at lunch, but I'll tell you now. Later this week we are going on a picnic on horses." her eyes lit up. "On horses? I love riding horses." I smiled at this.

Annabeth Pov:

    I was walking down the hallway when I saw Percy and the girl, Rachel I think was her name, with him. When I saw them, I felt a weird feeling that I recognized from when Katie got her dual daggers. Jealousy. Wait what? No, I wasn't jealous of them. I'm only here because I want to defend the royal family, not to fall in love with one. 

    I was saved from that thought process by Piper. She came up to me and asked me, " Hey are you ok? you just stopped walking." "Oh, I'm fine. I was just lost in thought." it looked like she wasn't buying it, but she just shrugged it off. We kept on going when I heard a voice coming from the hallway next to us. I pulled Piper to the side and out of sight. She must have heard them too because she didn't protest. "-We need to call it off. We didn't expect their reinforcements to be this strong." I have to say I was partially proud that they thought that. "No." another voice said. "We keep on going with the plan. The master will not be happy if we come back empty handed. We just need to find them first." Master? "Now be quiet. We don't know who could hear us." they were quiet as I heard them leave. When they left, Piper and I left our hiding place. "Well, that was... something." she said. "I should've gone at least far enough to see their faces..." I mumbled. "What?" she asked "oh nothing" I said. "Well, we have a big day tomorrow. Ms. Elanore is teaching her first class on being a 'proper princess'" she said in a dramatic pose. We laughed for a few minutes then headed to lunch.

    It was full of girls. All of them talking and laughing. We sat down at lunch. It was different without the other girls. Apparently, Thalia had talked to Jason a lot and once someone asked if they were dating. "So, I replied. 'First of all: That's treason. Second of all: He's my brother.' It was so funny. The guy was so embarrassed it was hilarious. Jason and I could not stop laughing." We all laughed. "At least I know that I'm not the only one who gets confused when I'm seen with my brother." Sadie said. "Once when we went to a museum with our dad, the curator confused me for someone else." We all were laughing and telling stories, when Ms. Elanore came in. Everyone went silent. "At the end of this week, there is to be a picnic with the prince and some nobles." Everyone looked interested until she said, "And you will be riding on horses." Then there were some groans, but our group seemed more excited. "Now now, that seems like we do desperately need this training, don't we?" Ms. Elanore said. Let's just say I'm not very excited for the training.

Thank you for all the reads again. I honestly didn't expect people to actually read this. 

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