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Muichiro sat outside on the pavement during lunch and waited for Setsuko. His brother never really ate lunch with him. He had other friends and he understood that. He checked his phone and saw a text from Setsuko. "Tanjirou and his two other friends needed help with school work, sorry I couldn't eat lunch with you today :( we could go out for ice cream after school if you'd like. On me. I'll make up for my absence."

    He responded with, "yeah that sounds cool and you don't have to make up for your absence, I understand." and put his phone down. He sighed. Muichiro took his headphones out and plugged the cord into his phone. He turned on some music and leaned against the wall. Why is Setsuko still friends with me in the first place? A nobody like me, friends with a person like them? That's something you can laugh at.

    Soon, the bell rang again and everyone was off to their next class. Muichiro started walking back into the halls. "Hey." Muichiro turned to his left and saw Setsuko walking alongside him.

    He took his headphones out. "Oh hey. How was it?"

    Setsuko awkwardly smiled. "It went fine...it was indeed eventful. Anyway, how about we meet up at the front of the school later so we can go get ice cream?"

    "Didn't you see my text?" Setsuko shook their head. "I said that you don't have to make up for your absence. We could still go get ice cream though. I can pay for mine myself." Muichiro stopped by his locker and started taking books out.

    "No, it's really fine. I feel bad for just ditching you." Setsuko added as she stopped.

    "You didn't ditch me. You texted me about it anyways."

    "Yeah but still."

    There was a moment of silence before Muichiro interrupted it. "What class do you have next?"

    "Orchestra with Uzui sensei. Ugh, I hate that guy. He's so annoying. I swear if I hear him yell at us for not being 'flamboyant' enough again, I'm gonna whack him with my violin." Setsuko responded. Muichiro smiled as he turned away. "You have art with Kanroji san, right?"

    "I have her last. Before that I have Biology with Kocho san." Muichiro corrected. Setsuko nodded and they continued walking. "See you later." When it was time for them to split ways, they waved to each other and walked away. Setsuko's orchestra class lasted a whole 2 hours, until the end of the day. The people who don't take orchestra have 2 classes at the end of the day.

    The entire time Muichiro was in class, he was thinking about why Setsuko wanted to be friends with him. He does it all the time, but this time he couldn't even pay attention to the lesson at all. Setsuko always tries to "make up" for their absence, but Muichiro keeps saying that they don't need to. Maybe they just feel bad for me. Maybe that's why they try their best to keep me company. Muichiro sank lower into his chair at the thought. Suddenly, a paper wadded up into a ball fell onto his lap. He turned around and a group of girls were quietly laughing. He was confused but turned back around and unfolded the ball.

    He started reading it. "Hey meet us on the roof after school, okay?" It read. Muichiro was confused at first, but decided to go just to see what it was all about. Setsuko wouldn't mind if he were a bit late.

    "Alright class, that will be the end of today's lesson. Have a good day and don't forget about tonight's homework!" Kochou sensei finished and everyone was starting to leave. The girls who probably threw the paper ball were Kanao Tsuyuri, Aoi Kanzaki, and Kocho sensei's younger sister, Shinobu Kochou. They all had butterfly pins in their hair and nearly everyone adored them. Muichiro didn't find them that interesting, but that might just be him.

    Muichiro's art class with Kanroji sensei went well. She was energetic like always and had a smile on her face while teaching. It was the one class Muichiro actually enjoyed because they actually did stuff in it and not just sit around listening or following a book. This class, they drew a hibiscus flower. Muichiro's came out pretty good, but not as good as the teacher's.

    The class ended and everyone was going home while Muichiro headed for the roof. He was suspicious but also curious. The 3 girls were waiting for him of course. Kanao had her hands behind her back and the other two were smiling behind her. "Uhm, you wanted to meet me here?" Muichiro awkwardly greeted them.

Part 2!! I had this story originally in google docs so I'm just copy and pasting what I have onto here :)



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