i - partners

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 "That Muichiro guy is so weird..."

"Yeah, I heard his mom got like murdered or something and now his dad's a drunk."

"Yikes. He looks so girly all the time with his hair like that."

"I know right!? I wonder why Setsuko even hangs out with him. I mean, a person so sophisticated like that hanging out with him!?"

"Ugh. Yet his brother's so cool! Much cooler than him."

"You two in the back!" The teacher yelled and everyone stared at them. "Stop gossiping and pay attention!" A few laughed and the 2 in the back sulked back in their seats."Okay, we're going to be doing a project on social experiments. You and your partner must write an essay on how or how not they're important and share it in front of the class. I have chosen everyone's partners if you were wondering." Muichiro slammed his head onto his desk. Partners? Why partners? He wearily thought with a sigh. He didn't look up at the board to see his partner. Whoever it was they'd probably ask the teacher to switch.

Muichiro was known as the "weird kid." He was always compared to his brother, Yuichiro. It bothered him because he was nothing like his brother. His brother was demanding and cold. Muichiro was quiet and just kind of there. People often bullied him for his hair but he never wanted to cut it. He considered it a lot, but someone would always be there to stop him.

"Hey." Muichiro suddenly felt a tap on his head and looked up. It was Setsuko. "We're partners." They dropped the instruction packet onto his desk and pulled a chair over, sitting backwards in it. Muichiro let out a sigh. He was glad his partner was Setsuko, a friend of his. Or the only friend of his. They were also the top of their language, math, and science class. They were also kind of popular yet they also get bullied at times.

Muichiro flipped through the packet. "The due date is next month. Jeez, I wonder how long the essay has to be." Setsuko said with annoyance. "He really expects a lot from us." Muichiro didn't make a sound and just sank back into his seat. Setsuko looked at him. He seemed off. "Hey, is something wrong?"

No response.

"If you don't want to be partners with me, I can ask to switch."

"No it's not that. The two in the back were talking about us...about my family..." he quietly said with a frown. Setsuko looked back at the two and once they saw Setsuko's glare, they immediately froze and looked away. "I hate it here." Muichiro groaned. He then looked back up at Setsuko. "Do you think my hair is too long? Do I look too feminine? Should I cut it?" He started messing with his hair and Setsuko grabbed his wrist. "Hey, you look great. Don't listen to what the others say about you. And what's wrong with being feminine looking?"

"But what about your reputation? Am I ruining it? You don't have to stay friends with me if I am."

"What? No! Yeah they say things about me, but my reputation has nothing to do with our friendship. Trust me, I'd rather lose my reputation than our friendship."

"But you already got bullied for your gender identity. I don't want you to get bullied even more." Muichiro pulled his wrist out of Setsuko's grasp and buried his head into his arms with a groan. To Setsuko, he looked like he was about to cry. "Yuichiro's lucky. He's considered cool. And for what!? Just because he cut his hair!?"

Setsuko sighed and put their hand on Muichiro's, caressing it. "That's Yuichiro's problem, okay? He's popular because he's popular. Now come on." They set a book on his head. He looked up and they picked the book up again. "Don't worry about me, okay?" The bell rang and Setsuko stood up with their hands in their pockets. "Well, see you at lunch." They walked off and Muichiro started packing his stuff.

Hi, author here!! This is the first part of the fan fiction and I hope you enjoyed it! There will be more to come :))



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