Chapter 7: The Barbecue

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Edward, (Y/n) and Peg were in the kitchen preparing for the barbecue. Edward was chopping up lettuce, while Peg made deviled eggs, and (Y/n) was getting out snacks.

"I've always said you really can't have a picnic or a barbecue without deviled eggs. They're just the best. They make a thing." Peg turned to check on Edward's progress.

"Oh dear! Edward! That's wonderful. I didn't know you chopped the whole thing, but we'll have a really big —!" Peg cut herself off when Edward accidentally cut himself.

"Oh, alright, now. Just a nick."

(Y/n) was quick to grab a napkin and dab the cut on Edward's face.

"There's no need to be nervous, dear. Esmeralda won't be there, and the rest of the neighbors they're really very nice. There's no need to be nervous. They're so eager to meet you both. You just need to be yourselves." Peg told them.

"Ourselves?" Edward asked.

"That's right. Just your own sweet selves." Peg grabbed a can and put it in a can opener.

Edward and (Y/n) stared at the contraption, and was reminded of a machine from their old home, which triggered some memories.


A can was spinning around in a circle while a knife came up and sliced it open, pouring the contents out.

Another machine held an egg, and a small hammer cracked open the egg, and the yolk fell into a large bowl.

The bowl moved along a conveyor belt, and another machine with whisks lowered down and mixed the contents of the bowl.

The bowl was tipped over and the dough spilled out, and travelled along the conveyor belt where it was rolled flat, and another contraption cut shapes into the dough.

The shapes were then brought into an oven where they were baked and bumped into a basket.

From around the corner, an old man entered the room holding a cane, and had his arm looped with (Y/n)'s as she helped him in the room.

The two watched the invention with interest and walked over to where the completed cookies were coming out. The inventor picked up a heart shaped one, and turned to look at his daughter. (Y/n) was watching the little machines do their work, and the inventor smiled at her.

His smile soon became a frown. As he looked at her, his gaze moved down to his own body. He thought about how much he had aged in the years since he had built her, and how she never changed. He wouldn't be around forever, but she would be. He didn't want to leave her all alone.

The inventor turned and saw a machine that had knife hands, that was designed for chopping lettuce. He slowly approached the machine and held the heart shaped cookie up to it, and furrowed his brows in thought.

"Father? Is everything okay?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yes, my dear. Everything is fine." He reassured her. "In fact, how would you like to have a friend?"

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