Chapter 6: The Next Day

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It was now morning, and the husbands in the neighborhood could be seen exiting their houses carrying their golf clubs and putting them in their colorful cars. Then they all entered their cars and pulled out of their driveways to go play golf.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Did it bother anyone else that the color of their cars didn't match the color of their houses, or was it just me?)


Edward sat on a stool in the Bogg's basement, as Peg stood in front of him, trying to help him with his scars.

(Y/n) was there as well. She was sitting on the washing machine. She wanted to see how this cosmetics stuff works.

Peg lifted her glasses to rest them on top of her head and studied Edward, who had his hair pulled back with a clip.

"The light concealing cream goes on first." Peg explained, as she dabbed his face with a makeup sponge. "Then you blend and blend and blend. Blending is the secret. Mm Hmm."

Edward just stared at her hand as she dabbed his face, looking a little nervous, while (Y/n) looked confused.

"More concealing cream. Your complexion is so fair." Peg grabbed a light purple bottle of makeup and poured some of it onto the sponge.

"Now this has a touch of lavender in it." She started dabbing his face with it. "Give it a try here. Close enough. Okay, this should do the trick here."

Peg paused and looked at Edward's face, which was painted light purple. (Y/n) had to try and contain her giggles.

"Hmm." Peg hummed. "I have another idea. We'll cover up the scars and start with a completely smooth surface."

She grabbed a little container of makeup, and something that looked like a miniature spatula, and started dabbing skin colored goop on his face. 

The goop wasn't spreading how it was supposed to, and Peg became a little frustrated. "Darn this stuff!"

Peg sighed and put the makeup down. "Sorry dear, it doesn't seem to be working. I think maybe we should try again later once I've consulted someone from the Avon company, okay?"

Edward nodded understandingly.

"I'll be right back dears. (Y/n) would you mind helping Edward clean his face?" Peg asked.

"Sure." (Y/n) replied, hopping off the washing machine.

Peg went up the stairs, and (Y/n) grabbed a cloth, and started wiping Edward's face.

"You know, for what it's worth, I think you would look just as fine with your scars as you would without them." She told him.

Edward smiled, and leaned his head into her hand a little, as she continued to clean his face.


Bill was standing out in the backyard, trimming the bushes while Kevin and his friend sat in Kevin's treehouse listening to a baseball game on the radio.

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