And Neil's room echoed with laughter for the first time.

Here in office, "So you and Myra are going for the party?" Dev asked his son, post their meeting with board of directors.

Neil did not respond but started leaving from meeting room.

"I am talking to you son." From the day, Dev blackmailed Neil for marrying Myra, both son and father were not on much talking terms. It was limited for only professional discussions.

"Mr. Wilson is our old client. Me and Nandini would have gone but you know due to our Florida visit we won't be able to join him for his anniversary party."

"I am not interested." It was straightforward no from Neil. He opened door to leave.

"Neil it's important for business."

Neil took deep breath. He was very well aware about Mr. Wilson's influence on their business. He closed his eyes for a moment and nodded his head without even turning to his father.

"Julia, inform Myra to be ready on Saturday 9 pm. She had to accompany me for one party" He passed message to their messenger during his dinner.

"But why I need to go with him?" Myra asked when Julia came to her room with dinner plate.

"Why don't you go and ask him?" Julia shrugged. Over the days Julia was fed up with these two stubborn souls.

Myra just rolled her eyes. "I don't want to spoil his mood."

'I don't want to dig my own grave.'

"Ask him what about Neev?" Now it was Myra's turn to pass message.

"Tell her. It's at 9, Neev will be sleeping by that time. And you will also be at home." Neil replied to Julia after thinking for 2 minutes.

Julia again went upstairs to pass the message.

"But I cannot come. If he is going, and if I also accompany him then Neev will be alone. Tell him to go alone. I am not going with him."

"Ohh my Jesus. Have some mercy on this poor soul." Julia looked upwards for help.

"What happened Julia aunty?" Julia held her hand and brought her down in dining hall.

"Julia Aunty where are you taking me?" Myra's resistance went in vein.

"Now discuss. I am fed up of being your two's messenger. I am housekeeper and not at all interested in postman's job."

She observed both of them and left for kitchen shaking her head.

Myra stood there for few minutes. It was deadly silence in the dining room.

"You have to come"

"I cannot come"

Both spoke at the same time.

"I am not giving you any options." Neil was adamant.

"I cannot leave Neev alone."

"Julia will be at home" he turned reasonable.

"Still if he needs anything. Either you or me should be there with him."

"It's just a matter of 1 or 2 hours."

"No. What if my baby wakes up?" She shook her head being stubborn.

"Are you forgetting you are his just a NANNY?" His words gave pang to her heart.

"Then why do you want to take this JUST A NANNY with you on any elite party?"

"That's my misfortune." He ridiculed.

His words filled her eyes with tears. Dejected feelings engulfed her heart. She left from the dining hall without giving any reply back to her so called husband.

Broken yet Beautiful (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now