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-Baram's POV-

"Jinhyuk please hurry, I have been waiting for half an hour!" Shouted Baram, better known as Breeze, to her brother from the living room, she had been lying on the couch waiting for him for a long time and now her shirt was getting wrinkles and that made her really angry, she hated it when that happened.

It was always the same, she would get ready in advance only to wait for her brother and still be late. Not that she could complain because he was her driver.

Breeze rose from the couch and looked at herself in the mirror, checking her outfit and overall appearance one last time. "My 13-year-old self would be so disappointed," she thought. Her outfit was black as always, an oversized shirt with black skinny jeans and her beloved black combat boots. She loved wearing black clothes, how could she not... but sometimes she wondered if she really liked the kind of clothes she wore, or if she liked contradicting her mother, who was dying for her to wear those girly outfits her friends wore.

Do not get Breeze wrong, she liked to wear all kinds of clothes and sometimes she even wore fancy dresses or very feminine looking outfits, but since she really liked black and was not very comfortable with her body, she always chose the "emo style" as she called it, even though it was not really an emo style, but you get the idea, the loose, dark clothes.

"Please put the gps on."After blinking her eyes a few times, she realized that she was now sitting in the car and her brother was talking to her.

"We have been there a million times and you still have to use the GPS to get there, I don't understand how your brain works," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Sorry I have more important information in my head than how to get to your friend's house," her brother replied.

"He's your friend too, what do you mean?" she asked.

"He's not my friend, maybe a friend of friends, but we are not very close and you know it, not that it would bother you, you are always happily telling everyone that he was the first friend you met 'without any input from me'." He said that in a tone she did not recognize. Was he angry with her for saying that?

What he said was true, she was very happy when she was able to find a male friend on her own. You may be wondering why and how, well she was not very good at socializing and all of her friends always came into her life through her brother and they were not even her age since he was 24 and she was 18, so most saw her as a little sister and she did not really do well with girls either.

It was just her and her best friend, Jimin or Mimi, and she loved him, but he was a bit of a loner and that made her feel the need to have more and more friends that she could maybe do something exciting with, even though she was not a fan of parties and such herself, but the idea of having friends that would consider her in their plans made her happy. Yes, she had a strange way of thinking, but let's not judge her.

So back to explaining, she once saw this guy she did not know, not even her brother did, at a friend's house, and after learning he was around her age, she saw it as her chance to make a new friend, and he turned out to be one of the friendliest people she had ever met, after playing a few games together, which of course she won, being a competitive person, they decided to become friends, just like that, she said, "Do we want to be friends?" and he replied "Yes of course, you seem nice".

That day, she came home and told her mother all about him and how happy she was to have made a new friend. She was 16 years old at the time, but she sounded like a five year old little girl telling her mother about the boy she had met at the park.

They went to his house, for as easy as it was for her to befriend him, it was for many others, for he was very friendly and outgoing, he was indeed a popular boy. And that night he had planned a kind of friendship meeting, just pizza, some drinks and games, it was nice. What Breeze liked the most was that all the people present were Korean like her, even if they were not really close, she just felt more comfortable around them than people from the country they lived in, maybe because they looked at her differently.

"Do you ever stop daydreaming?" her thoughts were interrupted once again by her brother.

"I am sorry, what did you say?" she asked sheepishly.

"Tell Hoseok to open the gate, we are two blocks away," he replied, his eyes on the road.

"Gosh, why don't you call him Hobi? He doesn't like to be called Hoseok." she rolled her eyes. "Will your friends be there too?" she was not interested in all his friends, just one in particular.

"Joon and Jin will be there," Jinhyuk said, and her heart skipped a beat at the sound of his name. She already knew that of course but she had to act clueless.

"Nice" was all she said.

Jinhyuk parked the car at Hobi's garage and before getting out she felt the same wave of anxiety she would always feel before getting in an environment full of people hit her and for a few seconds she regretted leaving her house so much, but she calmed down and put her mask back on, she looked herself in the mirror one last time making sure she was doing what she did with her eyes to look extremely lovely and reminded herself to be as nice as possible or "no one would ever want to be her friend" as she used to be told, and then she was ready to enjoy the evening.

thank you for reading


I want to apologize if you are reading this while I'm still writing it because I may make some important plot changes after publishing.

Hopefully | JJK | MYGOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz