Intemporal queen (Alone time)

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Vil nodded to Y/n's words.

"Hm. You do tend to be kind of aggressive, sir."

He glared at him, making him chuckle "I kid, I kid. I'm still part of this since I couldn't find them anywhere on campus."

Epel's phone rang and his mother yelled "Epel?! What in tarnation did ya do with that juice we sent ya?!"

"Huh? The apple juice? Ya said ta give it ta mah friends, so that's what Ah did. Why?"

"We're gettin' slammed with orders from all over the world!"

"Yer WHAT?!"

"Ah was wonderin' what the deal was... So Ah asked one o' the customers callin' in, "Where'd ya hear about our juice?" And y'know what they said? They said they saw it on "Vil Schoenheit's camera" or somethin'! Ain't Vil the leader of yer dorm?!"

"Vil's camera...? Wait, you mean Magicam?! Hold on a sec!" He checked magicam.
There was a picture of Vil, holding the juice and Y/n in the background, doing tractions.Our best routine! #PostLessonHydration #HarvestTownAppleJuice #NaturalFlavor #GoodForTheSkin #FullOfEnergy

"The phones are ringin' off the hook! It's total chaos over here! Ah'mma hafta call the co-op head an' get help from the neighbors just ta keep up with the shippin'! An' here Ah was wonderin' what ta do with all our leftover stock. Now the whole village is overjoyed! You done pulled through for us, Epel! You tell Vil and the cutie the same, y'hear?"

*Brrring!* *Brrring!*"Welp, these phones ain't gonna answer 'emselves. Gotta go! Ah'll send more juice along later."

"Maw, wait—ah, she hung up."

"This is amazing. I'm seeing a whole flood of comments on the Magicam post saying they ordered the juice." Deuce remarked.

"Oh...! Is this the power of beauty Vil was talkin' about?!"

"Now that you mention it... The only reason this worked at all was because Vil was so focused on that. Magical might or brute strength alone never would've accomplished that. Y/n gives me that lesson all the time."

"Ah wonder... Ahem. I mean, I wonder: was this the point Vil was tryin' to make about power? And Y/n was right too, my "charm" is a power only I have, and I should weaponize it?"

"Maybe. Neither of us are super smart or buff. But I bet nobody in this school has you beat in the cuteness department!"

"Erk... Not sure how I should feel about that. But it's true that I'm not gonna look this way forever. Just think—this time next year, I might be taller, or more muscular. Or I could have a mustache!"

"I dunno about that one, buddy."

"Vil and Y/n say charm is also a power. If I can put that power to good use in this year's VDC... Maybe I could give the town a way bigger boost than just sellin' a bunch of juice crates."

"Yeah. If there's power to be found in the things we've spent our whole lives being ashamed of... Then let's play to our strengths and prove we can break out of our shells! If that's what it takes to beat our rivals, then who am I to say no? I'll double down!"

"Heh heh... Yeah, I hear ya!"

"Epel, you know what I think we should do? We should win this year's VDC and prove ourselves to Ace and Vil!"

"That's what Ah'm talkin' about! Ah'll be cute an' powerful as kin be!"

Their celebration was interrupted.

Some dudes were eyeing their blastcycle. They recognized their uniforms as Night Raven College's but still asked to borrow the blastcycle and apparently wouldn't take no for an answer.

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